Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Saturday 30 July 2016



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions:

Art deals with the basic structures of being, nature, and spirit. In the Republic Plato disparages the artist as an imitator twice removed from reality. According to Plato, the poet imitates not the original form or idea but its real manifestation in the world. Although some poets can be characterized in this way, the essence of great poetry is not the imitation of an imitation. Already Plotinus suggests, in contrast to Plato, that the object of imitation is not nature but the ideal. The artist does not simply reproduce what is but goes back to “the Reason-Principles from which Nature itself derives”. Schelling and Hegel argue more fully that art does not merely imitate what is, it reects on a reality that is higher than so-called reality itself; in Schelling’s words, “the ideal is the real and is much more real than the so-called real itself”. Art can be viewed as higher than everyday reality insofar as it is closer to expressing truth. What we call everyday reality may have more aspects of deception, insofar as it shields us—by way of the capriciousness of situations and events, the clutter of external and supercial objects, and the immediacy of sensuous impressions—from a more essential meaning, a more genuine reality. Everyday reality is not free of this higher spirit and essence, but art, unlike everyday reality, with its multiple contingencies, emphasizes and reveals this higher reality. In this sense art has a profound metaphysical dimension; it does not imitate the external world, it makes visible for us the absolute. In one sense, to be elaborated more fully below, art is higher than the original of which it is a copy, for it brings that original to semblance. Poetry, then, is a semblance of the ideal or an “idealization” of reality that conveys truths that are timeless and transferable to other cultures and ages and truths that address and derive from the particular and often unique challenges of a given age. Even when art fails to give us satisfactory answers to complex questions, it still takes our gaze from the inessential to the essential.

71. The writer
1.    Agrees with the idea of imitation of Plato
2.    Disagrees with the idea of imitation of Plato
3.    Instructs to develop the idea of imitation
4.    Challenges the idea of imitations

72. Art is higher than reality because
1.    It imitates the reality properly
2.    It idealizes human life
3.    It is away from deception in reality
4.    It expresses unbelievable truth

73. Here, the phrase ‘metaphysical dimension’ means
1.    Imitation of external world
2.    Timeless and transferable cultural ideas
3.    Sensuous impressions of work of literature
4.    Higher and absolute reality

74. Which is not function of art?
1.    To present idealization of reality
2.    To convey timeless and transferable truth
3.    To answer the complex questions about truth
 4.    To get crucial meaning out of unnecessary things

75. The major concern of the passage is:
1.    To discuss the idea of imitation
2.    To idealize the ideas
3.    To tell  reality about art
4.    To reveal the absoluteness of art

By –
Anil S Awad
Englsih NET/SET Consultant


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