Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Saturday 2 July 2016




1830 Cobbett, Rural Rides; Tennyson, Poems, Chiefly lyrical

1832 Tennyson, Poems (dated 1833)
1833 Carlyle, Sartor Resartus; 'Tract for the Times'
1835 Browning Paracelsus
1836 Dickens, Sketches by 'Boz' and first number of Pickwick Papers (1836-37)
1837 Carlyle, The French Revolution; Dickens, Oliver Twist
1838 Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby
1839 Carlyle, Chartism
1840 Dickens, Master Humphrey's Clock (containing Old Curiosity Shop and
Bomaby Rudge (1840-1); Browning, Sordello
1841 Carlyle, On Heroes and Hero Worship; Newman, Tract XC; Punch
1842 Tennyson, Poems; Browning, Dramatic Lyrics
1843 Macaulay, Essays; Carlyle, Past and Present; Ruskin, Modern Painters
(Vol-l); Dickens, A Christmas Carol, Martin Chuzzlevit
1843-4 Disraeli, Coningsby
1844 Thackeray, Barry Lyndon

1845 Disraeli, Sybil; Browning, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics.
1846-8 Dickens, Dombey and Son
1847 Tennyson, The Princes; Chariotte Bronte, Jane Eyre; Emily Bronte,
Wuthering Heights;
Anne Bronte, Agnes Grey, J.S. Mill, The Subjection of Women
1847-8 Thackeray, Vanity Fair

1848 Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton; Anne Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell
1848-9 Thackeray, Pendennis
1849 Charlotte Bronte, Shirley; Ruskin, Seven Lamps of Architecture
1849-50 Dickens, David Copperfield
1849-61 Macaulay, History of England
1850 Tennyson, In Memoriam; Carlyle, Latter- Day Pamphlets
1850 E.B. Browning, Sonnets from the Portuguese; Kingsley, Alton Locke
1851 Elizabeth Gaskell, Cranford
1851-3 Ruskin, The Stones of Venice
1852 Thackeray, Henry Esmond; Matthew Arnold, Empedocles on Etna
1852-3 Dickens, Bleak House

1853 Charlotte Bronte, Villette; Elizabeth Gaskell, Ruth; Matthew Arnold,
1854 Dickens, Hard Times
1854-5 Thackeray, The New Comer
1855 Tennyson, Maud Kingsley; Westward Ho; Browning, Men and Women;
Gaskell, North and South; Trollope, The Warden
1855-7 Dickens, Little Dorrit
1857 E.B. Browning Aurora Leigh; Trollope, Barchester Towers; Elizabeth
Gaskell, Life of Charlotte-Bronte; Charlotte Bronte, The Professor,
George Eliot, Scenes of Clerical Life
1857-9 Thackeray, The Virgianians
1858 Clogh, Amours de Voyage
1858-65 Carlyle, Frederick the Great
1859 George Eliot, Adam Bede; Meredith, The Ordeal of Richard Feverl;
Darwin, The Origin of Species; Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities; Mill, On
1859-72 Tennyson, Idylls of the King

1860 Wilkie Collins, The Woman in White; Ruskin, Unto This Last Eliot, The
Mill on the Floss
1860-1 Dickens, Great Expectations
1861 George Eliot, Silas Marner, Trollope, Family Parsonage
1862 G. Rossetti, Goblin Market; Braddon, Lady Audley's Secret, Meredith,
Modern Love
1862-3 George Eliot, Romola
1863 Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters; J.H. Newman, Apologia Pro
Vita Sua
1864-5 Dickens, Our Mutual Friend

1865 Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism; J.H. Newman, Dream of
Gerontius; Carroll Alice in Wonderland; Swinburne, Atlanta in Calydon
1866 George Eliot, Felix Holt; Kingsley, Here ward the Wake; Swinburne,
Poems and Ballads
1867 Matthew Arnold, New Poems; Trollope, The Last Chronicle of Barset
1868 Wilkie Collins, The Moonstone
1868-69 Browning, The Ring and the Book
1868-70 Morris, The Earthly Paradise
1869 Trollope, Phineas Finn
1870 Dickens, Edwin Drood; D.G. Rossetti, Poems
1871-2 George Eliot, Middlemarch
1872 Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
1873 Mathew Arnold, Literature and Dogma; J.S. Mill, Autobiography
1874-5 Trollope, The Way We Live Now
1874 Hardy, Far From the Madding Crowd

1876 George Eliot, Daniel Deronda
1878 Hardy, The Return of the Native
1879 Meredith, The Egoist

Collection - Anil S Awad
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