Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Friday 1 July 2016



Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Essays (1597, 1612, 1625: three editions respectively)
The Advancement of Learning (1605)
The History of Henry VII (1622)
Apophthegms (1625)
The New Atlantis (Unfinished)

Novum Organum (1620) in Latin
Sylva and Sylvarum
Roger Ascham (1515-68) Toxophilus (1545)
The Scholemaster (1570)
John Lyly (1554-1606) Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit (1579)
Euphues and his England (1580)
Robert Burton (1577-1640) The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621)
Michael Drayton (1563-1631) England's Heroical Epistles (1603)
The Baron's Wars (1603)
Samuel Daniel (1562-1619) Christ Victorie Triumph (1610)
Phinea Fletcher (1582-1650) Defence of Ryme (1602) (Criticism)
John Milton (1608-74) L'Allegro (1632)
II Penseroso (1632)
Comus (1634)
Lycidas (1637)
Paradise Lost (1667)
Paradise Regained (1671)
Samson Agonistes (1671)

'Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity (1629)
'Oh, Shakespeare' (1630)
'On Arriving at the Age of Twenty Three' (1631)
'Of Education' (1644)
Areopagitica (1644)
History of Britain (Incomplete)
Thomas Middleton (1570-1627) The Changeling (1624)
Women Beware Women (1622)
The Witch
The Spanish Gipsy (1623)
The Roaring Girle; or Moll Cutpurse (1611)
(in collaboration with Dekker)
John Marston (1575-1634) Antonio and Mellida (1599)
Antonio's Revenge (1602)
Thomas Dekker (1572-1632) Old Fortunatus (1599)
The Shoemaker's Holiday (1599)

Satiromastix (1602)
The Virgin Martyr (1620) (in collaboration with Massinger)
Thomas Heywood (1575-1650) A Woman Killed with Kindness (1603)
The English Traveller (1633)
The Captives (1624)
King Edward the Fourth (1597)
The Royall King and the Loyall Subject (1602)
Philip Massinger (1583-1640) A New Way to Pay Old Debts (1633)
The City Madam (1632)
The Duke Milaine (1623)
The Unnatural Combat (1639)
John Ford (1586-1639) The Broken Heart (1633)
'Tis Pity She's a Whore (1633)

Perking Warbeck (1634)
The Witch of Edmonton (1621)
(in collaboration with Dekker and Rowley)
The Lover's Melancholy (1628)
Love's Sacrifice (1633)
The Fancies Chart and Noble (1638)
George Herbert (1593-1633) The Temple (1633)
Easter Wings'
'The Collar'
Richard Crashaw (1613-49) Steps to the Temple (1646)
Carmen Deo Nostro (1652)
The Infant Mortyrs
A Letter to the Countess of Denbigh
Henry Vaughan (1622-95) Poems (1646)
Olor lscanus (1651)
Silex Scintillans (1650)
Thalia Redivia (1678)
'The Retreat'
Andrew Marvell (1621-78) 'To His Coy Mistress'

'An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from
The Rehearsal Transposed (1673)
New Letters (a Prose work)
Abraham Cowley (1618-67) Pyramus and This be (1628)
Constantia and Philetus (1630)
The Darideis (1656)
The Mistress (1647)
Pindarigue Odes
Discourse by Way of Vision
Concerning the Government of Oliver Cromwell (1661)
Thomas Carew (1594-1639) Poems (1640)
Robert Herrick (1591-1674) Noble Numbers (1647)
Hesperides (1648)
To Anthea
To Julia
Cherry Ripe
Sir Thomas Brown (1605-82) Religio Medici (1642)
Pseudodoxia Epidemica or Vulgar Errors (1646)
Hydriotaphia: Urn Burial (1658)
The Garden of Cyrus (1658)
Christian Morals
Edward Hyde, Earl of The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in
Clarendon (1609-74) (1704)
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) 

Jeremy Taylor (1613-67) The Liberty of Prophesying (1647)
Holy Living (1650)
Holy Dying (1651)
Thomas Fuller (1608-61) The History of the Holy War (1639)
The Church History of Britain (1655)
An Alarum to the Countries of England and Wales (1660)
The Worthies of England (1662)
Good Thought and Bad Times (1645)
John Dryden (1631-1700) The Wild Gallant (1663)
The Rival Ladies (1663)
The Indian Emperor (1665)
Tyrannick Love (1669)
The Conquest of Granada (in two parts, 1669 and 1670)

Aureng-Zeb (1675)
All for Love, or The World Well Lost (1678)
Don Sebastian (1690)
Cleomenes (1692)
Love Triumphant (1694)
William Congreve (1670-1729) The Old Bachelor (1693)
The Double Dealer (1693)
Love for Love (1695)
The Way of the World (1700)
The Mourning Bride (1697), (a tragedy)
William Wycherly (1640-1715) Love in Wood (1671)
The Gentleman Dancing Master (1672)
The Country Wife (1674)

The Plain Dealer (1676)
George Etheredge (1635-91) The Comical Revenge, or Love in a Tub (1664)
S/?e Would if She Cou'd (1668)
The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter (1676)
Sir John Vanbrugh (1664-1726) The Relapse (1696)
The Provoked Wife (1697)
The Confederacy (1705)
Geogre Farquhar (1678-1707) The Recruiting Officer (1706)
The Beaux Stratagem (1707)
Thomas Shadwell (1642-92)  

The Sullen Lovers (1668)
The Squire of Alsatia (1688)
Bury Fair (1689)
Thomas Otway (1651-85) Alcibiades(1675)
Don Carlos (1676)
The Orphan (1680)
Venice Preserved (1682)
Nathaniel Lee (1649-92) Nero (1674)
Sophonisba (1676)
The Rival Queens (1677)
Mithridates (1678)
John Crowne (1640-1703) Caligula (1698)
Thyestes (1681)
Sir Courtly Nice (1685)
John Dryden (1631-1700)  

Astraea Redux (1660)
Annus Mirabilis (1667)
Absalom and Achitophel (1681)
Absalom and Achitophel, Second Part (1682)
Religio Laici (1682)
The Hind and the Panther (1687)
Alexander's Feast (1697)
Essay of Dramatic Poesie (1668) (a prose work)
Samuel Butler (1612-80) 
Hudibras (1663)

Collection - Anil S Awad
English Net and SET Consultant
9922113364 (WhatsApp)/9423403368

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