Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Saturday 2 July 2016




1885 Radio waves discovered; Internal combustion engine invented

1886 Gladstone's first Home Rule Bill for Ireland defeated
1887 Victoria's Golden Jubilee
1890 Parnell falls as leader of Irish Home Rule Party after being cited in the
O'shea divorce case
1893 Second Home Rule Bill rejected by the House of Lords
1895 X-Rays discovered
1896 Wireless telegraphy invented
1887 Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee
1899-1902 Boer War
1900 Relief of Mafeking
1901 Death of Queen Victoria; Accession of Edward VII

1903 First aeroplane flight; Foundation of Women's Social and Political
1904 Franco-British Entente
1906 Liberal Government Elected; Launch of HMS Dreadnought
1907 Anglo-Russian Entente
1908 Old Age Pensions Act; Elgar's first symphony
1909 English Channel Flow; 'People's Budget'
1910 Death of Edward VII: accession of George V King; First post-Impressionist Exhibitor

1911 National Insurance Act
1912 Death of Scott in the Antarctic; Home Rule Bill rejected by Lords;
Second Pos Impressionist Exhibition
1913 Second rejection of Home Rule Bill by Lords
1914 Home Rule Bill passed
1914-18 First World War

1915 Second Battle of Ypres; Sinking of SS Lusitania
1916 Easter Rising in Dublin; Battle of the Somme; Gallipoli Campaign
1917 Russian Revolution; Third Battle of Ypres; T.E. Lawrence's campaigns
in Arabia
1918 Second Battle of the Somme; Franchise Act granting the vote to women over 30
1919 Atlantic flow; Treaty of Versailles
1921 Irish Free State established
1922 Fascism takes power in Italy
1924 First Labour Government
1926 General Strike
1928 Death of Hardy
1929-30 World Economic Depression

1931 Fall of Labour Government; National Government formed
1933 Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
1935 George V's Silver Jubilee
1936 Civil War breaks out in Spain; First of the Moscow show trials; Death of George V; Accession of Edward VIII; Abdication crisis; Accession of George VI.
1938 German occupation of Austria; Munich agreement; Dismemberment of
1939 End of the Civil War in Spain; Outbreak of the Second World War;
Russo-German pact agreed; Germany in invades Poland.
1940 Fall of France; Beginning of the 'Blitz'.
1945 End of the Second World War; Labour Government returns to power;
Atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
1946 Nationalization of the Coal Industry; Foundation of National Health
1947 Nationalisation of transport; Independence of India and Pakistan
1948 Britain accepts American aid
1949 Steel Industry nationalized
1950 Labour Government returned to office with a substantially reduced
1951 Conservative Party returned to power; Festival of Britain.
1952 Death of George VI; Accession of Elizabeth II

1956 Egypt nationalizes the Suez Canal; Britain, France, and Israel intervene
and are obliged to withdraw. Soviet invasion of Hungary.
1957 C.N.D. Formed
1960 Unexpurgated text of Lady Chatterley's Lover found not obscene in
Court of Law.
1962 Establishment of the National Theatre.
1967 Legalization within limits of homosexuality and abortion.
1968 Britain abandons her role in world-wide defence; hostility between
'Catholic' and 'Protestant' groups in Northern Ireland is renewed and
remains a continuing problem; censorship of the theatre by the Lord
Chamberlains office comes to an end
1969 Abolition of Capital Punishment
1970 Age of majority reduced from 21 to 18
1973 United Kingdom enters the European Economic Community

Collection - Anil S Awad
English Net and SET Consultant
9922113364 (WhatsApp)/9423403368


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