Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Saturday 2 July 2016




Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) 

Desperate Remedies (1871)
Under the Green Wood Tree (1872)
A Pair of Blue Eyes (1873)
Far From the Madding Crowd (1874)
The Hand of Ethelberta (1876)
The Return of the Native (1878)
The Trumpet Major (1880)
A Laodicean (1881)
Two on a Tower(1882)
The Mayor of the Caster bridge (1886)

The Woodlanders (1887)
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891)
The Well-beloved (1892)
Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) 

Almayer's Folly (1985)
An Outcast of the Islands (1896)
The Nigger of the "Narcissus" (1897)
Lord Jim: A Tale (1900)
Youth - A Narrative (1902)
Heart of Darkness (1902)

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard
The Secret Agent (1907)
The Shadow Line (1917)
Suspense - A Napoleonic Novel (1925)
Herbert George
Wells (1866-1946)
The Time Machine (1895)
The Wonderful Visit (1895)
The lsland of Dr. Moreau (1896)
The Invisible Man (1897)
The War of the Worlds (1898)
When The Sleeper Walks (1899)
The First Men in the Moon (1901)
The Food of the Gods (1904)
Kipps (1905)
Experiment in Autobiography (1934)

Marriage (1912)
The Contemporary Novel (1911)
The History of Mr. Polly (100)
James Joyce (1882-1941) 

Dubliners (1900)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916)
Ulysses (1922)
Finnegan's Wake (1939)
Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) The Voyage Out (1941)
Jacob's Room (1922)
Mrs. Dalloway (1925)

To The Light House (1927)
The Waves (1931)
Flush (1933)
The Years (1937)
Orlando (a Biography) (1928)
The Common Reader(1925)
Roger Fry (1940)
The Death of the Moth (1942)
Between the Acts (1941, unfinished)
Mr. Bennet and Mrs. Brown (1924) (an essay)
A Room of One's Own (1929) (a feminist essay)

Samuel Butler Life and Habit (1877)
(1835-1902) Evolution, Old and New (1879)
Unconscious Memory (1880)
Luck or Cunning as the Means of Organic
Modification (1887)
The Trapansese Origin of the Odyssey (1893)
The Authoress of the Odyssey (1897)
Alps and Sanctuaries of Piedmont and the Canton Ticino(1881)
Shakespeare's Sonnets Reconsidered (1899)
Ex Voto (1888)
Essays on Life, Arts and Science (1904)
The Note Books of Samuel Butler (1912)
The Way of All Flesh (1903)

Translated into prose llliad (in 1898) and
Odyssey (in 1900)
George Moore A Modern Lover (1883)
(1852-1933) A Mummer's Wife (1885)
A Drama in Muslin (1886)
Spring Days (1888)
Esther Waters (1894
Evelyn lnnes(1898)
Sister Teresa (1901)
The Untilled Field (1903)
The Lake (1905)
The Brook Kerith (A Syrian Story) (1916)
Heloise and Abelard (1921)
Confessions of a Young Man (1888)

Memoirs of My Dead Life (1906)
Hail and Farewell ! Ave (1911)
Salve (1912)
Conversations in Ebury Street (1924)
Geroge Robert Gissing Demos, a Story of English Socialism (1886)
Thyrza (1887)
The Nether World (1889)
New Grub Street (1891)
The Private Papers of Henry
Ryecroft (1303)
Charles Dickens (A Critical Study) (1898)
Ionian Sea (1901)
The Emancipated (1890)
The Old Women (1893)
Eve's Ransom (1895)
Enoch Arnold Bennett The Old Wives' Tale(1908)

(1867-1931) Clayhanger (1910)
Hilda Lessways (1911)
These Twain (1916)
Riceyman Steps (1923)
Sacred and Profane Love (1905)
Buried Alive (1908)
The Pretty Lady (1918)
The Love Match (1922)
The Truth about an Author (1903)
The Author's Craft (1914)
Rudyard Kipling Tales from the Hills(1888)
(1865-1936) Soldiers Three (1888)
The Phantom Rickshaw (1888)
Wee Willie Winkie (1888)
Life's Handicap (1991)
Many Inventions (1893)
The Jungle Book (1894)

Captains Courageous (1897)
The Day's Work (1898)
Just-so Stories for Little Children (1902)
Puck of Pook's Hill (1906)
Rewards and Fairies (1910)
Debits and Credits (1926)
Limits and Renewals (1932)
The Seven Seas (1896) (Poetry)
The Five Nations (1903) (Poetry)
Barrack-room Ballads (1892)
Departmental Ditties (1886)
Edward Morgan Where Angels Fear to Tread (1905)
Forster (1879-1970) The Longest Journey (1907)
A Room with a View (1908)
Howards End(1910)
A Passage to India (1924)

The Celestial Omnibus (1911)- (Short Stories)
The Story of the Siren (1920) - (Short Stories)
The Eternal Moment (1928) - (Short Stories)
Aspecte of the Novel (1927) - (A Critical Work)
Arbinger Harvest (1936) - (A Critical Work)
Two Cheers for Democracy (1951) - (A collection of essays)
Aldous Leonard The Burning Wheel (1916)
Huxley (1894-1963) The Defeat of Youth (1918)
Leda (1920)
Eyless in Gaza (1936)
Crome Yellow (1921)
Antic Hay (1923)
Those Barren Leaves (1925)
Point Counter Point (1928)
Brave New World (1932)
After Many a Summer (1939)
Time Must Have a Stop (1944)
William Gerald Lord of the Files (1954)

Golding (b. 1911) The Inheritors (1955)
Pincher Martin (1956)
Free Fall (1959)
The Scorpion God (1971)
The Spire (1964)
George Orwell Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936)
(Eric Hugh Blair) (1903-50) Burmese Days (1934)
The Road to Wigan Pier( 1937)
Animal Farm (1945)
Nineteen Eighty Four (1949)
LA. Richards (1893-1979) Principles of Literary Criticism
Practical Criticism
Coleridge on Imagination
The Foundation of Aesthetics (With C.K Ogden and James Wood)
The Meaning of Meaning (With Ogden)
F.R.Leavis (1895-1978) New Bearings in English
Poetry (1932)
For Continuity (1933)
The Great Tradition (1948)
The Common Pursuit (1952)
Education and the University (1944)
D.H. Lawrence: Novelist (1955)
David Jones (1895-1979) The Anathemata (1952)
In Parenthesis (1937)
The Sleeping Lord (1974)
Evelyn Waugh (1903-66) Sword of Honour
The Perennial Philosphy (1946)
The Devils of Loudun (1952)
VS. Naipaul(b. 1932) The Mystic Masseur (1957)
A House for Mr. Biswas (1961)
The Mimic Man (1967)
Graham Greene (1904-91) Battlefield (1934)
England Made Me (1935)
Brighton Rock(1938)

The Power and the Glory (1940)
The Heart of the Matter (1948)
The End of the Affair (1951)
The Quiet American (1955)
A Burnt-Out Case (1961)
The Comedians (1966)
Travels with my Aunt (1969)
May We Borrow Your Husband? (1967) –
Shades of Greene (1976) - (Short Stories)
A Gun for Sale (1936) - (Short Stories)
The Ministry of Fear (1943) - (Short Stories)
The Third Man (1950) - (Short Stories)
Our Man in Havana (1958)
Charles Percy Snow Strangers and Brothers (1940)
(Lord Snow) (1905-80) Time of Hope (1949)
The Masters (1951)
The New Men (1954)
The Conscience of the Rich (1958)
Corridors of Power(1964)
The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution (1959)
(A Lecture)
Kingsley Amis (b. 1922) Lucky Jim (1954)
That Uncertain Feeling (1955)
I Like it Here (1958)
Take a Girl Like You (1960)
Girl, 20 (1971)
The Anti-Death League (1966)
William Butler Yeats The Wanderings of Oisin (1889)
(1865-1939) The Wind among the Reeds (1899)
The Shadowy Waters (1900)
The Green Helmet and Other Poems (1910)
Responsibilities (1914)
The Wild Swans at Coole (1919)
The Tower (1928)

The Winding Stair And Other Poems (1933)
The Countess Cathleen (1892)
The Land of Heart's Desire (1894)
The Shadowy Waters (1900)
Cathleen ni Haulihan (1902)
On Baile's Strand (1904)
The King's Threshold (1904)

The Hour-Glass (1904)
Deirdre (1907)
The Resurrection (1913)
At the Hawk's Well (1917)
The Only Jealousy of Emer (1919)
Calvary (1921)
The Cat and the Moon (1926)
Ideas of Good and Evil (1903) (Prose)
Discoveries (1907) (Prose)
Gerard Manley Spring
Hopkins (1844-89) God's Grandeur
The Caged Skylark
Felix Rendal
Pied Beauty
Harry Ploughman
The Wreck of the 'Deutschland'
The Windhover
Spelt from Sibyl's Leaves
That Nature Heraditean Fire
Anthony Powell (b. 1905) The Music of Time (1951)
John Wain (b.1925) Hurry on Down (1953)
John Braine Room at the Top (1957)
Life at the Top (1957)
The Jealous God (1965)
Alan Sillitoe (b. 1928) Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (1958)
Angus Wilson (1913-91) The Wrong Set (1949) (Short Stories)
Such Darling Dodos (1950) (Short Stories)
Old Men at the 200 (1961) (Short Stories)
No Laughing Matter (1967)
If By Magic (1973)
The Middle Ages of Mrs. Eliot (1958)

Late Call (1964)
Anthony Burgess (b. 1917) Malayan Trilogy
Time For a Tiger (1956)
The Enemy in the Blanket (1958)
Beds in the East (1959)
A Clockwork Orange (1961)
Iris Murdoch (b. 1919) Under the Net (1954)
Muriel Spark (b. 1918) Memento Mori (1959)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1962)
Dorris Lessing (b. 1919) The Grass is Singing (1950)
Children of Violence
Martha Quest (1952)
A Proper Marriage (1954)
A Ripple from the Storm (1958)
Land Locked (1965)
The Four Gated City (1969)
The Golden Note Book (1962)

Margaret Drabble (b. 1939) Millstone (1965)
The Needle's Eye (1972)
J.G. Ferrell (1935-79) The Siege of Krishnapur (1973) (Based on Indian Mutiny)
T.S. Eliot (1888-1965) Gerontion
Prufrock and Other Observations (1917)
The Waste Land (1922)
The Hollow Men (1925)
Ash Wednesday (1930)
Four Quartets (1944)
Sweeney Agonistes (1927) (a drama)
The Rock (1934) (a drama)
Murder in Cathedral (1935) (a drama)
The Family Reunion (1939) (a drama)
The Cocktail Party (1949) (a drama)
The Confidential Clerk (1953) (a drama)
The Elder Statesman (1958) (a drama)
The Sacred Wood (1920) (essays)
The ldea of a Christian Society (1939)
What is a Classic? (1945)
For Lancelot Andrews (1928)
The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism (1933)
Elizabethen Essays (1934)
After Strange Gods (1934)
Points of View (1941)
Wystan Hugh Auden The Orators (1932)
(1907-1973) Look Stranger (1936)
New Year Letter (1941)
The Age of Anxiety (1948)
Collected Shorter Poems (1950)
The Poet's Tongue (1935)
The Oxford Book of Light Verse (1938)
Stephen Spender Poems (1933)
(1909-77) Vienna (1934)
The Still Centre (1939)
Ruins and Visions (1942)
Collected Poems (1955)
The Destructive Element (1935) (a Critical Work)
Poetry Since (1947)
World Within World (1951) (autobiography)

C. Day Lewis (1909-72) Transitional Poem (1929)
From Feathers to Iron (1931)
The Magnetic Mountain (1933)
A Time to Dance (1935)
Overtures to Death and Other Poems (1938)
Word Over All (1943)
Poems (1948)
The Georgics of Virgil (1940) (a translation)
The Friendly Tree (1936) (a novel)
Starting Point (1937) (a novel)
Child of Misfortune (1939) (a novel)
Hope for Poetry (1934) (criticism)
The Poetic Image (1947) (criticism)

Louis Macneice (1907-63) The Earth Compels (1938)
Autumn Journal (1939)
Plant and Phantom (1941)
Spring Board (194)
Holes in the Sky (1948)
Dylan Marlais Thomas (1914-53) 18 Poems (1934)
Twenty-five Poems (1936)
The Map of Love (1939)
The Deaths and Entrances (1946)
Under Milk Wood (1954) (a verse play)
Dame Edith Sitwell The Sleeping Beauty (1924)
(1887-1964) Troy Park (1925)
Collected English Eccentrices (1933)
Aspects of Modern Poetry (1934)
Street Songs (1942)
The Son of the Cold (1945)
Ezra Pound (1885-1972) The Pisan Cantos (1948)
Hugh Selwyn Mobberly (1920)
Robert Bridges (1844-1930) The Growtn of Love (1876)
Prometheus the Fire Giver (1883)
Eros and Psyche (1885)
Poems in Classical Prosody (1903)
The Feast of Bacchus (1889)
Palicio (1890)
The Christian Captives (1890)
The Return of Ulysses (1890)
Achilles in Scyros (1890)
The Humours of the Court (1893)
Nero Port I and II (1885 and 1894)
John Masefield Ballads and Poems (1910)
(1878-1967) The Everlasting Mercy (1911)
The Widow in the Bye Street (1912)
The Daffodil Fields (1913)
Lolling don Downs (1917)
Reynard the Fox (1919)
Right Royal (1920)
The Land Workers (1943)
Midsummer Night (1928)

End and Beginning (1934)
Wondering (1943)
Sand Harker (1924) - (A novel)
The Bird of Dawning (1933) - (A novel)
The Tragedy of Nan (1909)
The Campden Wonder (1907)
The Tragedy of Pompey the Great (1910)
Great (1910)
Good Friday (1917)
Melloney Holtspur (1922)
The Trial of Jesus (1925),
The Coming of Christ (1978)
Walter De La Mare Songs of Childhood (1902)
(1873-1956) Peacock Pie (1913)
Bells and Grass (1941)
The Traveller (1946)
Early the Morning (1935)
Love (1943)
Siegfried Sassoon (1886-1967) Counter-attack (1918)
The Heart's Journey (1928)
Vigils (1935)
Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man (1929)
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (1930)
Sherston's Progress (1936)
George Bernard Shaw  
Widower's House (1892)
Buoyant Billions
The Philanderer (1893)
Mrs. Warren's Profession (1894)

Arms and the Man (1894)
Candida (1895)
The man of Destiny (1897)
The Devil's Disciple (1897)
You Never Can Tell (1899)
Caesar and Cleopatra (1899)
Captain Brass bound's Conversion (1900)
Man and Superman (1903)
John Bull's Other Island (1904)
Major Barbara (1905)
The Doctor's Dilemma (1906)
Getting Married (1908)
The Shewing up of Blanco
Posnet (1909)
Misalliance (1910)
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets (1910)
Fanny's First Play (1911)
Androcles and the Lion (1912)
Heartbreak House (1921)
Back to Methuselah (1921)
St. Joan (1923)

The Apple Cart (1929)
Too True to he Good (1932)
On the Rocks (1933)
The Six of Calais (1934)
The Simpleton of the Unexpected isles (1934)
Pygmalion (1913)
The Millionairs (1936)
Geneva (1938)
Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant
The Quintessence of Ibsenism
Dramatic Opinions and Essays
The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism

Everybody's Political What is What
Immaturity (a novel)
The Irrational Knot (a novel)
Love Among the Artists (a novel)
Cashel Byron's Profession (a novel)
John Millington The Shadow of the Glen (1903)
Synge (1871-1909) Riders to the Sea (1904)
The Well of the Saints (1905)
The Tinker's Wedding (1907)
The Playboy of the Western World (1907)

Henry Arthur Jones The Silver King (1882)
(1851-1929) Saints and Sinners (1884)
The Temper (1893)
The Liars (1897)
Judah (1890)
Mrs. Dane's Defence (1900)
John Galsworthy (1867-1933)  
The Country House (1907) - (A novel)
Fraternity (1909) - (A novel)
The Patrician (1911) - (A novel)
The Dark Flower (1913) - (A novel)
The Free Lands (1915) - (A novel)
Beyond (1917) - (A novel)
Saint's Progress (1919) - (A novel)
Maid in Waiting (1931) - (A novel)
Flower Wilderness (1932) - (A novel)
The Man of Property (1906) - (A novel)
The Forsyte Saga (1922) - (A novel)
The Silver Box (1906) - (A drama)
Strife (1909) - (A drama)
Justice (1910) - (A drama)

The Skin Game (1920) - (A drama)
Loyalties (1922) - (A drama)
Escape (1926) - (A drama)
The Inn of Tranquillity (1912)
Oscar Wilde (1856-1900)  
The Sphinx (1894) - (Poetry)
The Ballad of Reeding Gaol (1998) - (Poetry)
The Centerville Ghost (1887) - (Prose)
The Happy Prince and the Other Tales (1888) - (Prose)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) - (Novel)
De Profundis (1897)
Vera, or the Nihilists (1880) - (A drama)
The Duchess of Padua (1883) - (A drama)
Salome (1892) - (A drama)
Lady Windermere's Fan (1892) - (A drama)
A Woman of No. Importance (1893) - (A drama)

An ideal Husband (1895) - (A drama)
The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) - (A drama)
Sean O' Casey (1884-1964)  
The Shadow of a Gunman (1923)
Juno and the Poly cock (1924)

The Plough and the Stars (1926)
The Silver Tassie (1929)
Within the Gates(1933)
The Star Turns Red (1940)
Red Roses for Me (1946)
Oak Leaves and Lavender (1946)
Cock a doodle Dandy (1949)
William Somerset  Maugham (1874-1965)

A Man of Honour (1903)
 Lady Frederick (1907)
Mrs. Dot (1908)
Jack Straw (1908)
Home and Beauty (1919)
The Circle (1921)
The Constant Wife (1927)
For Services Rendered (1932)
Caesar's Wife (1919)
J.B. Priestley (1894-1984)  

Dangerous Corner (1932)
Time and the Conways (1937)
I Have been Here Before (1937)
An Inspector Calls (1946)
When We Are Married (1938)
A Severed Head (1964)
Harold Pinter (b. 1930)  

The Birthday Party (1958)
The Dumb Waiter (1960)
The Care Taker (1960)
A Night Out (1961)
The Home Coming (1969)
Old Times (1971)
Silence (1969)
Arnold Wesker (b. 1932)  
Chicken Soup with Barley (1960)
Roots (1960)
I am Talking About Jerusalem (1960)

Collection - Anil S Awad
English Net and SET Consultant
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