Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Friday 1 July 2016




c.720 Lindisfarne Gospels
731 Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English People
992 Aelfric, Catholic Homilies
C 1000 The four major surviving manuscripts of Anglo-saxon poetry: Vercelli,Exeter, Caedmon and Beowulf Mss
c.1138 Geoffrey of Monmouth, History of the Kings of Britain

1184-86 Andreas Capellanus, De amore
c.1188 Gervase, History of Canterbury
c.1200 The Owl and the Nightingale; Lazamon, Brut, Jocelin of Brakelond,
c.1220 Ancrene Riwle
c.1225 King Horn
c.1275 Guillaume de Lorris, Romans de la rose
c.1370 Chaucer, Book of the Duchess
c.1377 Langland, Piers Plowman (B Text)
1385 Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde
c.1387 Chaucer begins work on The Canterbury Tales
1390 Gower, Confessio Amantis

c. 1400 Sole surviving manuscript of Sir Gawain, Pearl, Cleanness, and Patience
1431-8 Lydgate, The Fall of Princes
1435 James Stewart, The King's Quair
1473-74 Caxton, History of Troy, the first book printed in English
1485 Malory, Morte D'Arthur
1500 Skelton, Bouge of court, Erasmus, Adagia
c.1504 Skelton, Philip Sparrow
1513 Skelton, Ballad of Scottish King; Douglas; Translation of Aeneid;
Machiavelli, II Principe (The Prince')
1516 More, Utopia; Skelton, Magnificence
1519 Erasmus, Moriae encomium ('Praise of folly')
1523 Skelton, Garlande of Laurell
1531 Elyot, Boke named the Governour
1537 Crammer, Institution of a Christian Man
1547 Cranmer, Bonner Grindal etc., Certain Sermons or Homilies
1549 Book of Common Prayer
1557 Tottel's edition of Songs and Sonnets Tottel's Miscellany

Surrey's translation of Aeneid II and IV; North, Dial of princes
1559 Mirror for Magistrates
1560 'Geneva' Bible
1561 Hoby's translation of Castiglione's, Book of the Courtyer, Norton's
translation of Calvin, Institution
1563 Foxe, Actes and Monuments
1568 Bishop's Bible
1570 Ascham, The Scholemaster
1577 Sidney, 'Old' Arcadia (1577-80); Holinshed, Chronicles
1578 Lyly, Euphues or the Anatomy of wit
1579 Spenser, Shepherds'Calender, North, Plutarch's Lives
1581 Sidney, Astrophel and Stella (1581-83), Defence of Poesie (c1582),
'New' Arcadia (Three books, uncompleted c. 1584)

1587 Camden, Britannia
1588-92 Shakespeare's early plays including 1, 2, 3 Henry VI, Taming of the
Shrew, Comedy of Errors, Love's Labours Lost, Richard III
1589 Puttenham, Arte of English Poesie
1590 Spenser, Faerie Queene (I-III); Sidney, New Arcadia; Lodge, Rosalynde

1592 Daniel, Delia and The Complaint of Rosamund, Ralegh, Ocean to
Scinthia; Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy
1593 Marlowe; Hero and Leander, Shakespeare; Venus and Adonis; Drayton,
Idea the Shepherd's Garland; Hooker, Law of Ecclesiastical Polity (l-IV)
1594 Shakespeare, Sonnets (composed); Nashe, Unfortunate Traveller
1594-1600 Shakespeare, plays including Midsummer Night's Dream, Romeo and Juliet, 1, 2 Henry IV, As You Like It, Merry Wives of Windsor, Julius
1595 Daniel, Civil Wars (l-IV); Spenser, Amoretti, Epithalamion
1596 Spenser, Faerie Queene (enlarged to six books), Prothalamion; Davies;
1597 Drayton, England's Heroical Epistles; Hooker, Laws of Ecclesiastical
Polity, V; Bacon's Essays
1598 Chapman & Marlowe, Hero and Leander, Styow, Survey of London
1599 Daniel, Poetical Essays (including Musophilus); Nashe, Lenten Stuffe
1601 Shakespeare, plays including Hamlet; Twelfth Night; All's Well That Ends Well; Measure for Measure
1603 Jonson, Sejanus
1604 Shakespeare, plays including Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Coriolanus

1605 Bacon, Advancement of Learning
1608-13 Shakespeare, plays including Cymbeline, Winter's Tale, Tempest, Henry VIII
1611 'Authorised' version of Bible
c.1613 Webster, The White Devil
1616 Ben Jonson, Works

Collection - Anil S Awad
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