Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Friday 1 July 2016




450 Coming of the 'Saxons' to England
597 St. Augustine's mission arrives in Kent
735 Death of Bede
871 Alfred becomes king of Wessex

899 Death of Alfred
991 The battle of Maldon : Byrhtnoth defeated by the Danes
1042 Accession of Edward the Confessor
1066 Norman Conquest

Battles of Hastings and Stamford
Death of Edward
William of Normandy becomes the King.
1154 Accession of Henry II
1170 Murder of Becket
1189 Death of Henry II
1204 Loss of Normandy
1215 Magna Carta
1221-4 Arrival of Dominican and Franciscan Friars in England
1265 Death of Simon de Montfort
1314 Battle of Bannockburn
1327 Accession of Edward III
1337 Beginning of the Hundred Years War

1338 Hundred Years War begins
1343 Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer
1344 Order of Garter founded
1348 First occurrence of the Black Death in England
1377 Death of Edward III
Accession of Rechard II
Reformation by Wycliffe
1381 The Peasant's Revolt

1384 Death of Wycliffe
1394 Birth of Charles of Orleans and James I of Scotland
1399 Dethronement of Richard II
Accession of Henry IV
1400 Death of Chaucer
Murder of Richard II
1408 Death of John Gower
1413 Death of Henry IV
1415 Battle of Agincourt

1422 Death of Henry V
1426 Death of Thomas Hoccleve
1449 Death of John Lydgate
1453 Battle of Castilian
1455 The first battle of the Wars of Roses
1461 Dethronement of Henry VI
Edward IV proclaimed King
1470 Restoration of Henry VI
1485 Richard III defeated at battle of Boswroth; succeeded by Henry VII
1492-1504 Voyages of Columbus
1504 Colet made Dean of St. Paul's
1509 Henry VII dies; accession of Henry VIII, who marries Katherine Aragon.
1513 Battle of Flodden
1517 Luther publishes 95 theses at Wittenberg
1520 Field of Cloth of Gold
1521 Henry VIII given the title of 'Defender of the Faith' by the Pope.
1525 Battle of Pavia
1529 Fall of Wolsey; Rise of Thomas Cromwell; More becomes Chancellor
1533-5 Henry excommunicated; Acts of Succession and Supremacy; Henry makes himself Supreme Head of the Church; More executed; Henry VIII divorces
Catherine of Aragon and marries Anne Boleyn
1534 Abolition of Pope's authority; Henry, 'Head'of Church of England
1535 Thomas More executed
1536-9 Abbeys suppressed; Breaking of images; English Bible in Every Church;Union of England and Wales
1537 Beginning of Calvin's Theocracy at Geneva
1540 Institution of the Jesus; Cromwell executed.
1542 Roman Inquisition established.
1545 Council of Trent opens
1547 Henry VIII dies; Accession of Edward VI; Surrey executed
1549 Book of Common Prayer; Act of Uniformity
1553 Edward VI dies; Accession of Mary
1555-6 Executions of Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer
1558 Mary dies; accession of Elizabeth I; Loss of Calais
1570 Elizabeth excommunicated by Pope Pius V
1571 Battle of Lepanto
1577 Drake begins voyage around the world
1586 Sidney killed at the battle of Zutphen
1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots; opening of Rose Theatre
1588 Spanish Armada defeated

1592 Plaugue closes theatres for two years
1594 Lord Chamberlain's Men (theatre company) established
1596 Essex storms Cadiz
1599 Essex goes to Ireland returns and is imprisoned; Globe theatre built
1600 Bruno burnt at Rome; East India Company founded
1601 Essex rebellion
1603 Death of Elizabeth; Accession of James VI as James I

Union of the crowns of England and Scotland
1605 Gunpowder Plot.; Johnson's first court masque with Inigo Jones.
1606 Charter granted to Virginia Company
1609 Virginian expedition wrecked in the Bermudas
1610 Plantation of Ulster commences
1611 King James' Bible published
1613 Marriage of Princess Elizabeth to Elector Palatine; Globe theatre burned
1614 The Globe rebuilt
1616 Death of Shakespeare

1618 Execution of Ralegh; Thirty Years War begins
1620 Pilgrim Fathers sail for America
1621 Donne appointed Dean of St. Pauls

Collection - Anil S Awad
English Net and SET Consultant
9922113364 (WhatsApp)/9423403368



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