Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Friday, 8 January 2016

English Net Dec. 2015 - Paper III – Model Answer Key With Explanation – By Anil S Awad

English Net Paper III – Model Answer Key With

 Explanation – By Anil S Awad

Hello Aspirants,
I am herewith posting/sharing the Answer Key for English NET Paper III. This is model answer key and not authentic key by UGC-CBSE. I have tried my best to provide ideal model answers to all the 75 Questions in Paper III.  It is my great pleasure to inform you that almost 40 to 42 questions (out of 75) are directly from my Study Notes and Online Guidance Course. Before moving to the key, let me clear some points –

1) It is model answer key and prepared by me (Anil S Awad), not final answer key by UGC-CBSE.  Please tally the key with the Authentic Key published by UGC-CBSE, when it will be issued.

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I hope this key will help you to confirm the right answers. It is always a great pleasure for me to see you pass in the Net/SET exam. So I appeal you not to give up and start preparing for the upcoming exams. God Bless You With Success.

Anil S Awad
English Net/SET Consultant
Email –
Mobile No. 09922113364 (WhatsApp), 09423403368 (BSNL)

1. Thomas and Henrietta Bowdler’s edition of ‘The Family Shakespeare’ gave rise to the word “Bowdlerize”. What does it mean?
(1) the expurgation of indelicate language
(2) the modernization of archaic vocabulary
(3) the insertion of bawdy songs
(4) the expansion of female characters
Answer – (1) the expurgation of indelicate language

2. First follow _____ and your judgment frame. By her just_____, which is still the same. Supply the appropriate words to fill in the blanks.
(1) wit, law
(2) reason, rule
(3) nature, standard
(4) sense, criterion
Answer- (3) nature, standard
Explanation – These lines are taken from Alexander Pope’s ‘An Essay on Criticism’ (1711) – Lines 17-18:
First follow NATURE, and your judgment frame
By her just standard, which is still the same:
Unerring Nature, still divinely bright,
One clear, unchang'd, and universal light

3. Preparation of vocabulary list for the purpose of English language teaching was carried out by________
(1) Otto Jespersen
(2) Noam Chomsky
(3) N. S. Prabhu
(4) Michael West
Answer – (1) Otto Jepersen
Explanation – Otto Jepersen, the Danish Linguistic, worked throughout his life on the development of vocabulary and grammar and its horizontal and vertical history.  He is famous for his theory of ‘Great Vowel Shift’ 

4. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri prefer to use “Empire” rather than imperialism. According to them:
(1) There is only one empire and we had better recognize it. Hence the Empire with E upper case.
(2) There may be many empires but only one is patently visible and operational. That is denoted by Empire with E upper case.
(3) The present day empire does not have an identifiable location or centre. Hence we out to differentiate this view of Empire with E upper case.
(4) The culturally dominant global empire is the only one that really matters. We signify that Empire with E upper case. 
Answer – (3) The present day empire does not have an identifiable location or centre. Hence we out to differentiate this view of Empire with E upper case.

5. Who among the following critics discerned in the Shelleyan Lyric the signs “of adolescence”?
(1) F R Leavis
(2) T S Eliot
(3) Cleanth Brooks
(4) I A Richards
Answer – T S Eliot (In 1933)

6. Two of among the following critical journals became strongly associated with New Criticism.
(a) Partisan Review
(b) Southern Review
(C) Kenyon Review
(d) Hudson Review
The right combination according to the code is:
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (a) and (d)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) (c) and (d)
Answer – (3) (b) and (c) – Southern Review and Kenyon Review
Explanation - There were two critical journals in particular which became strongly associated with New Criticism: The Southern Review, which began in 1935 and was edited by Brooks and Warren and the Kenyon Review, founded by Ransom in 1939. (Reference in - Literary Theory and Criticism: An Oxford Guide By Patricia Waugh, Page No. 168).

7. Match the columns:
(a) Robert Burton                    (i) Urn Burial
(b) Richard Hooker                 (ii) The Unfortunate Traveller
(c) Thomas Browne                 (iii) The Anatomy of Melancholy
(d) Thomas Nashe                   (iv) Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Politie

            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)
(2)        (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(3)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)
(4)        (i)         (iii)       (iv)       (ii)
Answer - (3)    (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)
Explanation -
Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial, or, a Discourse of the Sepulchral Urns lately found in Norfolk, is a work by Sir Thomas Browne, published in 1658 as the first part of a two-part work that concludes with The Garden of Cyrus.
The Unfortunate Traveller: or, the Life of Jack Wilton (published The Unfortunate Traueller: or, The Life of Jacke Wilton) by Thomas Nashe (1594) is a picaresque novel (romance) set during the reign of Henry VIII of England.
The Anatomy of Melancholy (full title: The Anatomy of Melancholy, What it is: With all the Kinds, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and Several Cures of it. In Three Maine Partitions with their several Sections, Members, and Subsections. Philosophically, Medicinally, Historically, Opened and Cut Up) is a book by Robert Burton, first published in 1621.
Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie is Hooker's best-known work, with the first four books being published in 1594.

8. Which of the following characters in ‘The White Devil’ describes the glory of great men as: “Glories, like glow worms a far off shine bright/ But looked to near have neither heat nor light”.
(1) Vittoria
(2) Lodovico
(3) Flamineo
(4) Cornelia
Answer – (3) Flamineo (The White Devil – Act – V, Scence I)

9. In which of Philip Larkin’s poem does he refer to “long uneven lines” of men waiting to be enlisted for the war?
(“Never such innocence again” concludes the poem)
(1) “Mr. Bleaney”
(2) “Mc MXIV”
(3) “Ambulances”
(4) “Sad Steps”
Answer – (2) “McMXIV”
Explanation – The Poem MCMXIV by Philip Larkin

MCMXIV (1964)
Phillip Larkin
Those long uneven lines
Standing as patiently
As if they were stretched outside
The Oval or Villa Park,
The crowns of hats, the sun
On moustached archaic faces
Grinning as if it were all
An August Bank Holiday lark;
And the shut shops, the bleached
Established names on the sunblinds,
The farthings and sovereigns,
And dark-clothed children at play
Called after kings and queens,
The tin advertisements
For cocoa and twist, and the pubs
Wide open all day;
And the countryside not caring:
The place-names all hazed over
With flowering grasses, and fields
Shadowing Domesday lines
Under wheat’s restless silence;
The differently-dressed servants
With tiny rooms in huge houses,
The dust behind limousines;
Never such innocence,
Never before or since,
As changed itself to past
Without a word – the men
Leaving the gardens tidy,
The thousands of marriages,
Lasting a little while longer:
Never such innocence again.
(Key – By Anil S Awad)
10. In Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”, Gregor Samsa one morning found himself changed in his bed to a monstrous kind of vermin. The most difficult thing for Samsa was:
(1) to look at his image in the mirror
(2) to remember what happened the day before
(3) to communicate with anyone
(4) to brush his teeth
Answer – (2) to remember what happened the day before
Explanation –
Franz Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”
Chapter – I
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked.
"What's happened to me?" he thought. It wasn't a dream. His room, a proper human room although a little too small, lay peacefully between its four familiar walls. A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out of an illustrated magazine and housed in a nice, gilded frame. It showed a lady fitted out with a fur hat and fur boa who sat upright, raising a heavy fur muff that covered the whole of her lower arm towards the viewer.

11. Identify the individual who is a nihilist from the following:
(1) Pechorin in ‘A Hero of Our Times’
(2) Bazarov in ‘Fathers and Sons’
(3) Levin in ‘Anna Karenina’
(4) Oblomov in ‘Oblomov’
Answer – Bazarov in ‘Fathers and Sons’
Explanation - Bazarov in ‘Fathers and Sons’ – A nihilist and medical student. As a nihilist he is a mentor to Arkady, and a challenger to the liberal ideas of the Kirsanov brothers and the traditional Russian Orthodox feelings of his own parents.

12. Which of these works in nineteenth-century Russian fiction originated the type of Superfluous Man?
(1) The Diary of a Superfluous Man
(2) A Hero of our Own Time
(3) Eugene Onegin
(4) Dead Souls
Answer – (3) Eugene Onegin
Explanation – Although ‘The Diary of a Superfluous Man’ (1850) by the Russian author Ivan Turgenev and A Hero of Our Time (written in 1839 and revised in 1841) by Mikhail Lermontov, consist the example of Superfluous Man (Just like ‘Byronic Hero’ – Proud and Self-destructive), Alexander Pushkin’s verse novel ‘Eugene Onegin’, published in serial form between 1825 and 1832 was ‘trend-setting novel’ for the type – Superfluous Man.

13. What is Gilgamesh?
(a) a Babylonian epic poem
(b) a series of gnomic verses
(c) a classical play
(d) the story of a harsh ruler
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (c)
(3) (a) and (d)
(4) (b)
Answer – (3) (a) and (d) – (World Classic - Epic – a Babylonian epic poem and the story of a harsh ruler)

14. American Dictionary of the English Language was the work of ____published in _____
(1) Merriam Webster, 1903
(2) H L Mencken, 1930
(3) Noah Webster, 1828
(4) Benjamin Franklin, 1768
Answer – (3) Noah Webster, 1828
Explanation - Webster's name has become synonymous with "dictionary" in the United States, especially the modern Merriam-Webster dictionary that was first published in 1828 as An American Dictionary of the English Language.

15. Which of the following texts of Amitav Ghosh is based on the refugee occupation of an island in the Sundervans?
(1) Sea of Poppies
(2) The Hungry Tide
(3) River of Smoke
(4) The Glass Palace
Answer – (2) The Hungry Tide (2004)

16. Which of the following is described by Robert Browning as “A Child’s Story”?
(1) “Bells and Pomegranates”
(2) “Pauline
(3) “Fifine at the Fair”
(4) “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”
Answer – (4) “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” (1888)

17. Identify the New Critic who served as the cultural attaché at the American Embassy in London from 1964 to 1966:
(1) John Crow Ransom
(2) Cleanth Brooks
(3) Allen Tate
(4) Robert Penn Warren
Answer – (2) Cleanth Brooks

18. “The Gilded Age” refers to a period of American history between 1870 and the first decades of the twentieth century.
Who among the following American writers is credited with the coining of the term?
(1) F Scott Fitzgerald
(2) Mark Twain
(3) William Dean Howells
(4) Theodore Dreiser
Answer – (2) Mark Twain

19. ‘The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ in six volumes was a great achievement by Edward Gibbon. It was published between 1776 and 1788, two significant dates that
(1) Signalled the end of the Napoleonic wars and the rise of Feudalism
(2) Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution
(3) Covered the fall of peasantry and the rise of bureaucracy in England
(4) Suggest the period of Queen Anne’s reign.
Answer – (2) Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution

20. Being so caught up, so master by the brute_____of the air, Did she put on his knowledge with his power, Before the _____beak could let her drop.
Yeats, “Leda and the Swan”
Choose the right words for the blanks:
(1) beast, shiny
(2) force, animal
(3) blood, indifferent
(4) thrust, irate
Answer – (3) blood, indifferent
Explanation – See the poem by W B Yeats

Leda and the Swan
A sudden blow: the great wings beating still
Above the staggering girl, her thighs caressed
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill,
He holds her helpless breast upon his breast.

How can those terrified vague fingers push
The feathered glory from her loosening thighs?
And how can body, laid in that white rush,
But feel the strange heart beating where it lies?

A shudder in the loins engenders there
The broken wall, the burning roof and tower
And Agamemnon dead.
Being so caught up,
So mastered by the brute blood of the air,
Did she put on his knowledge with his power
Before the indifferent beak could let her drop?
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

21. Match the following
(a) Ambiguity              (i) A term conined by Julia Kristeva to refer to the fact that texts are constituted by a “tissue of citations”
(b) Aporia                    (ii) A term used by Mikhail Bakhtin to describe the variety of languages and voices within a novel.
(c) Intertextuality        (iii) An irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, usually associated with deconstructive thinking.
(d) Heteroglossia         (iv) A term made famous by William Empson to indicate that a word, phrase, or text can be interpreted in more than one way.
            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iv)       (i)         (ii)        (iii)
(2)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(3)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)
(4)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)
Answer - (3)   (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)

22. Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay
To mould me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?
Which nineteenth-century work bears these lines from Paradise Lost as epigraph?
(1) Wuthering Heights
(2) Frankenstein
(3) Don Juan
(4) Jude the obscure
Answer - (2) Frankenstein (By Marry Shelly)

23. A literary researcher now faced with choosing between a print text and its digital counterpart chooses the latter mostly to:
(1) facilitate the consultation of an exhaustive bibliography
(2) avoid the expense of buying books
(3) look for specific words and phrases and lines
(4) enhance his/her understanding of textual variants, if any, between the two media
Answer – (1) facilitate the consultation of an exhaustive bibliography
Explanation – Print resources have their own limitations. A researcher has to work hard to gather them from different libraries, to scrutinize and synthesize them for research purposes. But through internet, he has exhaustive access to different digital texts like e-books, articles, blogs etc. which can be used to enrich bibliography.   

24. Which of the following statements on Hudibras are true?
(a) It is a novel written by Mathew Prior
(b) It is a satirical poem published in 3 parts
(c) Hudibras was written by Samuel Butler
(d) Hudibras discuss complex issues of justice, politics and religion
(1) (c) and (d) are true
(2) (a) and (d) are true
(3) (b) and (c) are true
(4) (a) and (b) are true
Answer - (3) (b) and (c) are true

25. The formalist critic _______mocked the character – based criticism of ______by posing a famous question, “How many children had Lady Macbeth”?
(1) F R Leavis, E K Chambers
(2) Cleanth Brooks, F L Lucas
(3) Monroe Beardsley, Kenneth Burke
(4) L C Knights, A C Bradley
Answer – (4) L C Knights, A C Bradley

26. Which of the following pair of words does not have two different vowel glides?
(1) care, pure
(2) write, freight
(3) caught, court
(4) eight, ate
Answer – (3) caught, court
Explanation – A diphthong (vowel glide) is a sound made by combining two vowels, specifically when it starts as one vowel sound and goes to another, like the oy sound in oil. Diphthong comes from the Greek word diphthongos which means "having two sounds." With exception of caught - /kɔːt/ and court - /kɔːt/.
care - /'keə/ - Pure - /pjʊə/
write - /rʌɪt/ - freight - /freɪt/
eight - /eɪt/ - ate - /eɪt/

27. Assertion (A):
Arts will often work obliquely, by myth or symbol. They may make their best ‘criticism of life’ simply be being; they may best state by not stating.
Reason : (R)
 It follows, if even only part of all this is true, that the arts do have an important social function. […] Arts can give greater depth to a society’s sense of itself. […] A country without great art might be a powerful collection of thriving earthworms but would be a sorry society.
(1) Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
(2) Assertion (A) is unrelated to Reason (R)
(3) Assertion (A) hardly reflects Reason (R)’s elaboration
(4) Reason (R), in fact, contradicts Assertion (A)
Answer - (1) Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
Assertion – Explained
‘Arts will often work obliquely, by myth or symbol’ – Art works indirectly and affects society. Myth and symbols are the tools of arts. Myth, legends, tales, fables, parables, folktales etc. has great impact on masses (Refer – Jung’s ‘Collective Consciousness’).  Different symbols too have its meaning and they too affects society. For example – Rising Sun – Optimism, Setting Sun – Pessimism, Darkness – Evil, Light – Good, Hope etc. (Refer – Northrop Frye’s ‘Archetype of Criticism’) 
‘They may make their best ‘criticism of life’ simply be being’ – Their (myth and symbol) very existence is useful to give meaning to the life.  We critically analyze most of the things related to our day-to-day life by taking examples from theses myths and symbols, directly or indirectly.  
‘They may best state by not stating’ – These myths and symbols are there forever. They don’t state anything themselves, but society perceive them, analyze them and follow them. Since they are myths and symbols, they don’t need to state anything, they are followed by masses- consciously and unconsciously.
Reason – Explained
‘It follows, if even only part of all this is true, that the arts do have an important social function.’ – If the myths and symbols are working in these ways and regulating the society and if there is a little truth in the above assertion, it means simply that the arts have important social function to do. Arts regulate society. 
‘Arts can give greater depth to a society’s sense of itself.’ – Arts ‘best state by not stating’ and thus can give great scope for introspection to the society.
‘A country without great art might be a powerful collection of thriving earthworms but would be a sorry society.’ – Here ‘thriving earthworms’ may refer to the people not having taste for arts. Such society can be powerful, but can’t be civilized – concludes the passage.
(This is my personal interpretation. If you disagree with the answer – wait for the authentic key from CBSE-UGC)
 (Key – By Anil S Awad)

28. Which of the following is NOT an example of derivational morpheme?
(1) friend – friendship
(2) courage – courageous
(3) rely – reliable
(4) climate – climactic
Answer – (1) friend – friendship - @This question seems doubtful.
Explanation –
Here –
friend (noun) – friendship (noun) – adding suffix - ship
courage (noun) – Courageous ( adjective) – adding suffix – ous
rely (verb) – reliable (adjective) – adding suffix – able
climate (noun) – climatic(adjective) 
Derivational morphemes can change the grammatical category (or part of speech) of a word. For example, adding -ful to beauty changes the word from a noun to an adjective (beautiful). But it is not the essential rule. One can add morpheme, without changing the category of a word.
Here -
For example –
Adjective to adjective
acceptable - unacceptable
avoidable - unavoidable

Noun to noun
decision -  indecision
balance – imbalance

Verb to verb
lock - unlock
tie - untie
The question must be either - Which of the following is NOT an example of derivational morpheme (that changes the category of the word)?
The options should be changed – instead of – rely – reliable – There should be relay (race) – reliable.
Students can get benefit of doubts (bonus marks), if they challenge the question properly.

29. Which of these statements is incorrect about presentism and its basic premises?
(1) Hugh Grady is its principal proponent.
(2) Our knowledge of works from the past is conditioned by and dependent upon the ideologies of the present.
(3) Presentism does not contextualize cultural production in the same way or make use of the theorists that New Historicism does.
(4) Historicism itself necessarily produces an implicit allegory of the present in its configuration of the past. 
Answer – (3) Presentism does not contextualize cultural production in the same way or make use of the theorists that New Historicism does.
Explanation – Actually Presentism contextualizes cultural production in the same way or make use of the theorists like Marx, Freud, Foucault etc., that New Historicism does.
Reference - Presentist Shakespeares (Accents on Shakespeare) by Hugh Grady - Nov 2006.

30. “Where there is leisure for fiction, there is little grief”, was Samuel Johnson’s criticism of a famous poem. Which poem was it?
(1) P B Shelley’s “Adonais”
(2) Philip Sidney’s “Astrophel and Stella”
(3) Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written on a Country Churchyard”
(4) John Milton’s “Lycidas”
Answer – John Milton’s “Lycida”
Explanation – Dr. Johnson quoted it in his ‘Lives of Poets’ (1779)

31. The story is grounded in the forbidden nature of Aschenbach’s Obsession with a young boy; its author ultimately links the obsession with death, disease and esthetic disintegration.
The author of the story is:
(1) Goethe
(2) Mann
(3) Borges
(4) Proust
Answer – (2) Mann
Explanation – Thoman Mann’s short story collection  - Death in Venice and Other Seven Stories – Translation first published in 1930. Aschenbach is the protagonist in Death in Venice. 

32. Which of the following novels of Joseph Conrad is set in Malay?
(1) Nigger of the Narcissus
(2) Lord Jim
(3) Nostromo
(4) Hear of Darkness
Answer – (2) Lord Jim
Explanation –
Lord Jim - Patusan is a fictional country originating in the novel Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad, published in 1900. It has subsequently appeared in various films and television shows. In Conrad's novel, the country is a remote backwater in the South Seas, forgotten by the rest of the world and essentially without contact with outside civilization. Prior to Jim's arrival, it is ruled by various factions of native people, whom Conrad refers to as "Malays".
Nigger of the Narcissus – Bombay to London
Nostromo -This novel of Conrad is set in the mining town of Sulaco, an imaginary port in the western region of the imaginary country of Costaguana.
Hear of Darkness - Opens on the Thames River outside London, where Marlow is telling the story that makes up Heart of Darkness. Events of the story take place in Brussels, at the Company’s offices, and in the Congo, then a Belgian territory.

33. Nuruddin Farah’s Maps tells the story of _____
(1) Abida
(2) Abu
(3) Askar
(4) Andy
Answer – (3) Askar
‘Map’ - This is the first novel by Somalian writer Nuruddin Farah's triology ‘Blood in the Sun’.  It tells the story of Askar, a man coming of age (Askar) in the turmoil of modern Africa. With his father a victim of the bloody Ethiopian civil war and his mother dying the day of his birth, Askar is taken in and raised by a woman named Misra amid the scandal, gossip, and ritual of a small African village. Askar means ‘bearer of arms’. (Key – By Anil S Awad)

34. One of the most quoted statements on poetry by John Keats is reproduced with blanks below. Complete the statement with correct words.
“If Poetry_____as naturally as the leaves to a tree, it _____ at all”
(1) does not come; had better not come
(2) comes not; might come not
(3) come not; had better not come
(4) come not; did not come
Answer – (3) come not; had better not come
Explanation – A Letter by John Keats to John Taylor
To John Taylor
Hampstead, February 27th, 1818
Hampstead, 27 Feby
My dear Taylor -
Your alteration strikes me as being a great Improvement - And now I will attend to the punctuations you speak of - The comma should be at soberly, and in the other passage, the Comma should follow quiet. I am extremely indebted to you for this attention, and also for your after admonitions. It is a sorry thing for me that any one should have to overcome prejudices in reading my verses - that affects me more than any hypercriticism on any particular passage - In Endymion, I have most likely but moved into the go-cart from the leading-strings - In poetry I have a few axioms, and you will see how far I am from their centre.
1st. I think poetry should surprise by a fine excess, and not by singularity; It should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts, and appear almost a remembrance.
2d. Its touches of beauty should never be half-way, thereby making the reader breathless, instead of content. The rise, the progress, the setting of Imagery should, like the sun, seem natural to him, shine over him, and set soberly, although in magnificence, leaving him in the luxury of twilight. But it is easier to think what poetry should be, than to write it - And this leads me to another axiom - That if poetry comes not as naturally as the leaves to a tree, it had better not come at all. - However, it may be with me, I cannot help looking into new countries with 'O for a Muse of Fire to ascend!' If Endymion serves me as a pioneer, perhaps I ought to be content - I have great reason to be content, for thank God I can read, and perhaps understand Shakespeare to his depths; and I have I am sure many friends, who, if I fail, will attribute any change in my life and temper to humbleness rather than pride - to a cowering under the wings of great poets, rather than to a bitterness that I am not appreciated. I am anxious to get Endymion printed that I may forget it and proceed. I have copied the 3rd Book and begun the 4th.
Your sincere and obliged friend,
John Keats
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

35. Manohar Malgonkar was a hunter, a lieutenant colonel in the British army, and a tea-planter. He also wrote a memorable novel about the Sepoy Mutiny, especially Peshwa Baji Rao II. What is the novel?
(1) A Distant Drum
(2) A Combat of Shadows
(3) A Bend in the Ganges
(4) The Devil’s Wind
 Answer – (4) The Devil’s Wind
Explanation - The Devil's Wind is a historical novel by Manohar Malgonkar that tells the story of Nana Saheb, the heir of the last Peshwa of the Maratha Confederacy, who played a leading role in the Indian Mutiny. It provides a sympathetic portrait of a man whom the British portrayed as a great villain, and is based on historical sources as far as possible. The book is written as an autobiography in which Nana Saheb describes his life in his own words.

36. Who wrote the screenplay for the film version of John Fowles’s novel ‘The French Lieutenant’s Woman’?
(1) Harold Pinter
(2) Tom Stoppard
(3) David Mamet
(4) Caryl Phillips
Answer – (1) Harold Pinter

37. “How all their plays be neither right tragedies, nor right comedies, mingling kins and clowns, not because the matter so carrieth it, but thrust in the clown by head and shoulders to play a part in majestical matters”
What term does Philip Sidney use to characterize such plays and which of the unities of Aristotle do they violate?
(1) mongrel tragicomedy; unity of action
(2) mixed tragedies; unity of action
(3) multi-plot drama; unity of time
(4) mingled yarn; unity of place
Answer – (1) mongrel tragicomedy; unity of action
Explanation – An extract from Sidney’s ‘Defence of Poety” (1583)
But, besides these gross absurdities, how all their plays be neither right tragedies nor right comedies, mingling kings and clowns, not because the matter so carries it, but thrust in the clown by head and shoulders to play a part in majestical matters, with neither decency nor discretion; so as neither the admiration and commiseration, nor the right sportfulness, is by their mongrel tragi-comedy obtained.

38. There is a large number of religious poems in Old English Poetry. One of the finest is the ‘Dream of the Rood’. The words ‘the Rood’ in the title means:
(1) the Cross
(2) the Christian
(3) the Infidel
(4) the Cardinal
Answer – (1) the Cross
Explanation – A rood or rood cross, sometimes known as a triumphal cross, is a cross or crucifix, especially the large Crucifixion set above the entrance to the chances of a medieval church. Alternatively, it is a large sculpture or painting of the crucifixion of Jesus.

39. Identify from among the following, the one incorrect statement on M. Anantanarayanan’s ‘Silver Pilgrimage’ (1961)
(1) M Ananatanarayanan modelled this narrative on the well-known picaresque novels in English
(2) ‘The Silver Pilgrimage’ is M Anantnarayanan’s only foray into fiction
(3) This novel is main an account of the adventures of Jayasurya, a Sri Lankan Prince of the sixteenth Century.
(4) Amon the literary texts quoted by the novel are lines from Shakespeare, Donne and Rile and Classical Tamil poets.
Answer – (1) M Ananatanarayanan modelled this narrative on the well-known picaresque novels in English.
Explanation – It is neither picaresque novel (although tells the story of the adventures Prince Jayasurya from Sirlanka) nor modelled upon any English novel. It is modelled upon Dandin’s Das-kumara-charitra. Daṇḍin was a seventh to eighth-century Sanskrit grammarian and author of prose romances, and'is one of the best-known writers in all of Asian history.
It is M Anantnarayanan’s only foray into fiction. (Incursion of Jayasurya into the enemy territories – like the Maravas - the16th Century Indian kingdom) 
We have reference of Shakespeare, Donne and Rile and Classical Tamil poets in the preface of the book.

40. Listed below are the titles of some influential books by Frank Kermode. Identify which one of the titles that does NOT belong to the set.
(1) The Sense of an Ending
(2) Not Entitled – A Memoir
(3) The Genesis of Secrecy
(4) The Great Code: The Bible and Literature
Answer – (4) The Great Code: The Bible and Literature (By – Northrop Frye)

41. Identify the one erroneous statement on Neoclassicism listed below:
(1) Lodovico Castelvetro and Torquato Tasso greatly influenced English writers like Milton and Dryden
(2) Neoclassicism took its final form during the reign of Louis XIV (1638-1715)
(3) Boilean’s L’Art poetique influenced Pope’s ‘Essay on Criticism’
(4) The English relation to Neoclassicism was one of dialogue. Most literally, this dialogue is effected in Addison’s ‘An Essay on Dramatic Poesy’
Answer – (4) The English relation to Neoclassicism was one of dialogue. Most literally, this dialogue is effected in Addison’s ‘An Essay on Dramatic Poesy’
Explanation – Essay of Dramatic Poetry (1668) by John Dryden (Not by Addison).

42. In his “Poems of Love and War” a collection of classic Indian poems in English translation, A K Ramanujan sought to revive an ancient_____poetic tradition. Choose the right word.
(1) Tamil
(2) Sanskrit
(3) Kannada
(4) Pali
Answer – (1) Tamil (Sangam Poetry Tradition)

43. Arrange the following sentences in the order in which they appear in Emerson’s ‘Self-Reliance’:
(a) To be great is to be misunderstood
(b) Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.
(c) If it so bad then to be misunderstood!
(d) It is a right fool’s word.
(e) misunderstood!
(1) (a), (e), (d), (c), (b)
(2) (e), (a), (b), (c) (d)
(3) (c), (d), (a), (b), (e)
(4) (e), (d), (c), (b), (a)
Answer - (4) (e), (d), (c), (b), (a)
Explanation – Note down the full statement from Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance and Other Essays
 “Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.”

44. X…Do you know it is nearly seven?
Y. (irritably) Oh! It always is nearly seven.
X. Well, I’m hungry.
Y. I never knew you when you weren’t…
X. What shall we do after dinner? Go to a theatre?
Y. Oh no! I loathe listening.
X. Well, let us go to the club?
Y. Oh no! I hate talking.
X Well, we might trot round to the Empire at ten?
Y. Oh no! I can’t bear looking at things.
It is so silly.
X. Well, what shall we do?
Y. Nothing
X. It is awfully hard work doing nothing. However, I don’t mind hard work where there is no definite object of any kind.
Identify the speakers in this dialogue:
(1) Aston (X) to Mick (Y) The Caretaker
(2) Algernon (X) to Jack (Y) The Importance of Being Earnest
(3) Lucky (X) to Pozzo (Y) Waiting for Godot
(4) Man (X) to the Woman (Y) The Waste Land
Answer – (2) Algernon (X) to Jack (Y) The Importance of Being Earnest (By Oscar Wild)
Explanation - Importance of Being Earnest- By Oscar Wild
Extract from - Act - I
Algernon.  Women only do that when they have called each other a lot of other things first.  Now, my dear boy, if we want to get a good table at Willis’s, we really must go and dress.  Do you know it is nearly seven?
Jack.  [Irritably.]  Oh!  It always is nearly seven.
Algernon.  Well, I’m hungry.
Jack.  I never knew you when you weren’t . . .
Algernon.  What shall we do after dinner?  Go to a theatre?
Jack.  Oh no!  I loathe listening.
Algernon.  Well, let us go to the Club?
Jack.  Oh, no!  I hate talking.
Algernon.  Well, we might trot round to the Empire at ten?
Jack.  Oh, no!  I can’t bear looking at things.  It is so silly.
Algernon.  Well, what shall we do?
Jack.  Nothing!
Algernon.  It is awfully hard work doing nothing.  However, I don’t mind hard work where there is no definite object of any kind.
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

45. Which of these Greek plays was a source for ‘The Winter’s Tale’?
(1) Iphigeneia at Aulis
(2) Alcestis
(3) Medea
(4) Iphigeneia at Tauris
Answer – (2) Alcestis
Explanation – The Statue Scene in Act V of The Winter’s Tale has been directly borrowed from Greek playwright Euripides’s play – ‘Alcestis’

46. Sweet is the lore which nature brings;
Our meddling intellect
Mis-shapes the beauteous forms of things:
We murder to dissect.
Which of the following best summaries the speaker’s position?
(1) Nature is incomplete without a human witness to attest to its beauty.
(2) Human endeavours will succeed only if the laws of nature are taken into account.
(3) Nature yields a pleasure superior to that derived from intrusive human inquiry
(4) The flaws inherent in human nature are also evident in the natural world.
Answer – (3) Nature yields a pleasure superior to that derived from intrusive human inquiry.
Explanation – These lines are taken from Wordsworth’s poem ‘The Table Turned.

47. (a) Jean Baudrillard tells us that postmodern societies are marked by simulacra.
(b) By simulacra he means non-representations of reality.
(c)  Simulacra artificially produce a mediated world masquerading as authenticity.
(d) It was not Jean Baudrillad but his interpreters who coined the term “simulacra”
Which of the above statements are true?
(1) (b), (c) and (d)
(2) (a) and (c)
(3) (c) and (d)
(4) (b) and (c)
Answer – (2) (a) and (c)
By simulacra he means representations of hypereality.
Max Friedman paper that says "Jean Baudrillard tells us that postmodern societies are marked by simulacra or representations that precede reality, artificially producing a mediated world masquerading as authenticity".

48. Which of the following is correct as the natural order of language acquisition?
(1) Listening – Reading – Speaking – Writing
(2) Writing – Reading – Listening – Speaking
(3) Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing
(4) Reading – Listening – Speaking – Writing
Answer – (3) Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing
Explanation - When we learn a language, there are four basic skills that we need for complete communication. When we learn our native language (Language Acquisition), we usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read, and finally to write – LSRW.

49. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE regarding the poems of Derek Walcott?
(1) His poem “Goats and Monkeys” has an epigraph from Shakespeare’s Othello
(2) In “The Sadhu of Couva” Walcott refers to Diwali, Hanuman and the Ramayana
(4) Walcott has written a poem entitled “Jean Rhys”
(4) In “A Far Cry From Africa” Walcott depicts his divided loyalties in the context of the Changuna Uprising
Answer – (4) In “A Far Cry From Africa” Walcott depicts his divided loyalties in the context of the Changuna Uprising.
Explanation – A Far Cry From Africa deals with Mau Mau Uprising and not Changuna Uprising.

50. In Shakespeare’s time who owned the rights to a theatrical script?
(1) the playwright(s)
(2) the patron of the acting company
(3) the printer
(4) the acting company
Answer – (4) the acting company

51. Which of the following sentences uses more than three cohesive devices?
(1) All that time a person could drive for miles without seeing a house.
(2) All of them could recite the poem yesterday.
(3) You can use a pencil, though not a pen, to write your name.
(4) As soon as Mohan entered the stadium the crowd cheered.
Answer – (3) You can use a pencil, though not a pen, to write your name.
Explanation – There are three sentences in the above sentence, which are connected (cohesion) to each other by using transitional word – though as well as comma (,)
1. You can use pencil to write.
2. You can use pencil instead of pen.
3. You can write my name.

52. Match the columns:
Indian Text                                                     English Translator
(a) The love of Kamarupa and Kamalata        (i) William Jones
(b) Ramayana                                                  (ii) Nathaniel Halhed
(c) Upanishads                                                (iii) W. Franklin
(d) Abhijnan Sakuntalam                                (iv) T H Griffith
            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (iv)       (iii)       (ii)        (i)
(2)        (iii)       (iv)       (ii)        (i)
(3)        (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)
(4)        (iv)       (ii)        (iii)       (i)
Answer - (3)   (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)

53. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the New Bolt Report, “The Teaching of English in England”?
(1) It was commissioned in 1919.
(2) It urged the teaching of the national literature.
(3) It proposed the teaching of English Literature at the university level.
(4) It aimed at uniting divided classes after the war.
Answer – (4) It aimed at uniting divided classes after the war.
Explanation – The Bolt Commission aims at discussing the theoretical side of Education in England.  It neither discuss the infrastructure facilities to be provided to the educational institutes nor polices related to the aftermath of World War I.

54. This revenge tragedy opens with the long soliloquy of the protagonist carrying the skull of his poisoned fiancé and swearing vengeance for the old Duke who has committed the vicious act. Identify the play.
(1) The Spanish Tragedy
(2) The Revenger’s Tragedy
(3) The Duchess of Malfi
(4) The Changeling
Answer – (2) The Revenger’s Tragedy

55. What did Anthony Trollope seek to criticize through the character Mr. Slope?
(1) Methodism
(2) Low Churchmen
(3) High Church doctrine
(4) Anglicanism
Answer – (2) Low Churchmen
Mr. Slope is a character in Antony Trollpe novel – ‘Barchester Towers”.  Mr. Slope was a domestic Chaplin of the Bishop of Brechester who rises to the power by using all means. Mr. Slop was an opportunist and loyal to none (than power).  

56. “To refer to symbols as ‘Lacanian symbols’, to dub self-doubt as ‘Lacanian self-doubt’, and to call reflections in a mirror ‘Lacanian reflections’ is not to read the mind from a perspective informed by Lacan. Nor do parenthetical references to Barthes’ hermeneutic code and Foucault’s analysis of sexual discourse constitute and interpretation necessarily different from that of traditional humanist criticism”
The author of the passage is objecting to critics who_____.
(1) try to force a parallel between recent critical approaches and traditional humanist criticism.
(2) decoratively apply the names and terminology of recent critical theories without employing the methodology.
(3) attempt to reduce the study of literature to a hunt for coded messages and symbols.
(4) stubbornly maintain a traditional notion of the role of criticism while refusing to acknowledge new theoretical developments.
 Answer – (2) decoratively apply the names and terminology of recent critical theories without employing the methodology.
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

57. Peter Ackroyd’s first novel, ‘The Great Fire of London’, picks up the historical echoes and artfully deploys a Dickens novel as an intertext. Identify the source Dickens text.
(1) Great Expectaions
(2) Little Dorrit
(3) Martin Chuzzlewit
(4) Old Curiosity Shop
Answer – (2) Little Dorrit

58. Which of the following plays by Henrik Ibsen deals with the perils that await the emancipated woman in a society which is not ready to accept her?
(1) A Doll’s House
(2) An Ememy of the People
(3) Hedda Gabler
(4) Pillars of Society
Answer – A Doll’s House

59. “Yet it is the masculine values that prevail”, observed a famous writer “Speaking cruelly”, she continued, “football and sport are important’, the worship of fashin, the buying of clothes ‘trival’”
Name the author and the text
(1) Mary Woolstonecraft, ‘A vindication of the Rights of Woman’
(2) Audre Lorde “Age, Race, Class…”
(3) Virginia Woolf, ‘A Room of One’s Own’
(4) Jean Rhys, ‘After Leaving Mr. Mackenzie’
Answer – (3) Virginia Woolf, ‘A Room of One’s Own’
Explanation – “Yet it is the masculine values that prevail. Speaking crudely, football and sport are ‘important’; the worship of fashion, the buying of clothes ‘trivial’. And these values are inevitably transferred from life to fiction. This is an important book, the critic assumes, because it deals with war. This is an insignificant book because it deals with the feelings of women in a drawing-room. A scene in a battle-field is more important than a scene in a shop — everywhere and much more subtly the difference of value persists.”

60. According to Coleridge, the “secondary imagination” “dissolves, diffuses, ______ in order to recreate…”
Choose the right word for the blank.
(1) disintegrates
(2) dissipates
(3) displaces
(4) dissociates
Answer – (2) dissipates
61. Beginning 1996, an Indian publisher commenced the publication of a series of modern Indian novels in English translation. By 2003, it had published eighty novels of repute from almost all Indian languages. Identify the publisher.
(1) Asian Publishing House
(2) Macmillan India
(3) Jaico
(4) Arnold Heinemann
Answer – Macmillan India.

Reference -  ‘Changing the Terms: Translating in the Postcolonial Era’By Sherry Simon, Paul St-Pierre (Page 237-239)

62. William Dunbar’s Lament for the makers is about:
(1) kings
(2) priests
(3) poets
(4) peasants
Answer – (3) poets
Explanation – William Dunbar was a Scottish poet. The title of his poem is ‘Lament for the Makars’ (not makers). Makar is ‘a poet’ or ‘a bard’ in Scottish language. 

63. Who among the following protagonists of Thomas Hardy feels his lot as akin to Job’s?
(1) Clym Yeo bright
(2) Angel Clare
(3) Jude
(4) Troy
Answer – (3) Jude

64. Edward Brathwaite’s poem “Calyspo” assumes that you are familiar with______.
(1) the business of Calyspo during Middle Passage
(2) the West Indian Music in syncopated African rhythm
(3) the folk ways and more of Trinidadian merchants
(4) the operatic performance of Banjos
Answer - (2) the West Indian Music in syncopated African rhythm
Explanation - Edward Brathwaite is the writer from Barbados (Caribbean Sea). The calypso represents a significant aspect of the cultural continuum between Africa and the New World. The origin of the calypso musical genre is in the early oral forms of expression introduced in the plantation fields by the enslaved Africans: songs, folktales, religious chants, ritual practices. Barthwaite assumes that the readers know about the music and present the poem.
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

65. Which of the modern plays by British playwright actually puts Shakespeare as character on stage?
(1) Edward Bond’s Bingo
(2) Harold Pinter’s Mountain Language
(3) Terence Rattigan’s Inspector calls
(4) Joe Orton’s Loot
Answer – (1) Edward Bond’s Bingo: Scenes of Money and Death (1973)  
Explanation – The play is about the last days of William Shakespeare at his home Warwickshire.  It is a political drama that propagates Marxism philosophy.

66. A famous challenge to the Neoclassical tenets of form and reason in aesthetic considerations came from Edmund Burke. His work was titled:
(1) An Enquiry into the Philosophical Origin of, Our Ideas of the sublime and the Beautiful
(2) Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful
(3) An Enquiry into the Philosophical Origin of Our Ideas of the Beautiful and the Sublime
(4) Philosophical Enquiry into Our Original Ideas of the Beautiful and the Sublime.
Answer – (2) Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful

67. Match the following:
List A                                                                         List – B
(a) The Grammar – Translation Method                     (i) comprehensible input
(b) The Direct Method                                                (ii) strategic use of mother tongue
(c) Total Physical Response                                        (iii) shuns mother tongue
(d) The Natural Approach                                           (iv) oral input

            (a)        (b)        (c)        (d)
(1)        (ii)        (iii)       (iv)       (i)
(2)        (ii)        (iv)       (i)         (iii)
(3)        (iv)       (ii)        (i)         (iii)
(4)        (iii)       (i)         (ii)        (iv)                  
Answer – (1) (ii)  (iii)  (iv)  (i)
The Grammar –Translation Method – Strategic use of mother tongue (Limited use of mother tongue to make the content comprehensible, but the main aim of learning is the target language)
The Direct Method – shuns mother tongue (It strictly avoids the use of mother tongue in teaching language)
Total Physical Response – Oral input (It is developed by James Asher. It is essentially based upon the coordination of language and the physical movements)
The Natural Approach – Comprehensible input (The natural approach is a method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It aims to foster naturalistic language acquisition in a classroom setting, and to this end it emphasises communication, and places decreased importance on conscious grammar study and explicit correction of student errors.)
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

 68. Which of these works by Indian writers does NOT have the Naxalite Movement as a background?
(1) Mother of 1084
(2) The Lives of Others
(3) The Shadow Lines
(4) The Lowland
Answer – (3) The Shadow Lines (Partition Novel)
Explanation – Mother of 1084 – Originally a Bengali novel – Haar Charuasi Maa - 1974 novel by Mahasweta Devi.  The background of the novel is the Naxalite revolution in 1970s. It is the story of Broti, the son of Sujata who was killed by the state for advocating ideology. Sujata is a strong woman, who tries to justify the revolutionary way adopted by her son. Her efforts turn into the political upheaval in Bengal and the Communist Party forms the Government.
The Lives of Others – The 2014 novel by Neel Mukharjee. It is a story set in 196s of a Bengali youth Supratik who joins Communist Party of India (Marxist) to mobilize the peasants against the land lords.
The Lowland – It is second novel of Jumpa Lahiri published in 2013. It is a story two brothers – Subhash and Udayan. Subhash goes to USA for further studies and Udayan, the younger of the two, is executed by the state for his tie with naxalites.

69. “So when the last and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead shall live, the living die,
And music shall untune the sky”
These are the closing lines of a famous poem.
Identify the poem

(1) Il Penseroso
(2) “Song for St. Cecilia’s Day”
(3) “The Good – Morrow”
(4) “Song : The Year’s at the Spring”
Answer – (2) Song for St. Cecilia’s Day – John Dryden

70. This eighteenth-century English poem imitates Spenser in stanza form and in allegorical narrative: passers – by are lured by an enchanter with promises of ease, luxury, and aesthetic delight, then consigned to a dungeon wehre they languish in apathy and impotence until the Kinght of Arts and Industry dissolves the spell. Identify the poem.
(1) The Vanity of Human Wishes
(2) The Seasons
(3) The Castle of Indolence
(4) The Task
Answer – (3) The Castle of Indolence – James Thomson

71. Which of the following statement on the Hogarth press is FALSE?
(1) The Hogarth press was founded in 1917 by Leonard and Virginia Woolf
(2) Its location was their home, called Hogarth House
(3) The press was solely devoted to published international classics in translation
(4) The press published translations of Gorky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Rilke, Svevo and other.
Answer - (3) The press was solely devoted to published international classics in translation
Explanation – Not only the international classic in translation, but English works by Katherine Mansfield, T S Eliot, E M Foster and Ezra Pound…also some armature contemporary writers in English. 

Read the below passage and answer questions 72 to 75 that follow:
THE ANTIGUA THAT I knew, the Antigua in which I grew up, is not the Antigua you, a tourist, would see now. That Antigua no longer exists. That Antigua no longer exists partly for the usual reason, the passing of time, and partly because the bad-minded people who used to rule over it, the English, no longer do so. (But the English have become such a pitiful lot these days, with hardly any idea what to do with themselves now that they no longer have one quarter of the earth’s human population bowing and scraping before them. They don’t seem to know that this empire business was all wrong and they should, at least, be wearing sackcloth and ashes in token penance of the wrongs committed, the irrevocableness of their bad deeds, for not natural disaster imaginable could equal the harm they did. Actual death might have been better. And so all this fuss over empire – what went wrong here, what went wrong there – always makes me quite crazy, for I can say to them what went wrong : they should never have left their home, their precious England, a place they loved so much, a place they had to leave but could never forget. And so everywhere they went the turned it into England; and everybody they met they turned English. But no place could ever really be England, and nobody who did not look exactly like them would ever be English, so you can imagine the destruction of people and land that came from that. The English hate each other and they hate England, and the reason they are so miserable now is that they have no place else to go  and nobody else to feel better than.

72. To whom is the passage directly addressed?
(1) readers
(2) non-antiguans
(3) tourists
(4) the English
Answer – (3) tourists
Explanation – ‘THE ANTIGUA THAT I knew, the Antigua in which I grew up, is not the Antigua you, a tourist, would see now.’
Although it is addressed to readers – the readers are particular and narrow-downed as ‘tourists’ in the above passage.

73. The English feel extremely miserable because:
(1) Their political supremacy is over
(2) They do not have anyone else to feel superior to
(3) They have been reduced to a state of non-entity
(4) They have no lands to colonise
Answer – (2) They do not have anyone else to feel superior to
Explanation – See the last line - ‘The English hate each other and they hate England, and the reason they are so miserable now is that they have no place else to go  and nobody else to feel better than.’ The English have nobody else to feel better than. 
74. Do the British realize that colonizing countries was a bad practice, according to the narrator?
(1) Yes; they do
(2) No; they don’t
(3) The narrator is rather unsure they do
(4) The narrator is rather unsure they don’t.
Answer – The narrator is rather unsure they do
Explanation – See the line - ‘They don’t seem to know that this empire business was all wrong.’ The word ‘seem’ shows that the writer is unsure. 
(Key – By Anil S Awad)

75. Which of the following best describes the content of the extract?
(1) The speaker fervently desires better understanding between the English and the colonized people in post colonial times.
(2) The speaker is interested in nostalgic tours of émigré Antiguans to their childhood home
(3) The speaker whose childhood was spent in Antigua reports the great change currently evident in the pungent irony.
(4) The speaker is making a case for the penance of the English, the erstwhile rulers of Antigua.
Answer - (3) The speaker whose childhood was spent in Antigua reports the great change currently evident in the pungent irony.

Anil S Awad
English Net/SET Consultant
Email –
Mobile No. 09922113364 (WhatsApp), 09423403368 (BSNL)

English Net Paper – III – Model Answer Key By Anil S Awad
1. (1) the expurgation of indelicate language 
2. (3) nature, standard
3. (1) Otto Jespersen
4. (3) The present day empire does not have an identifiable location or centre. Hence we out to differentiate this view of Empire with E upper case.
5. (2) T S Eliot
6. (3) (b) and (c)
7. (3)    (iii)       (iv)       (i)         (ii)
8. (3) Flamineo
9. (2) “Mc MXIV”
10. (2) to remember what happened the day before
11. (2) Bazarov in ‘Fathers and Sons’
12. (3) Eugene Onegin
13. (3) (a) and (d)
14. Answer – (3) Noah Webster, 1828
15. (2) The Hungry Tide (2004)
16. (4) “The Pied Piper of Hamelin” (1888)
17. (2) Cleanth Brooks
18. (2) Mark Twain
19. (2) Signalled the American Revolution and the French Revolution
20. (3) blood, indifferent
21. (3)  (iv)       (iii)       (i)         (ii)
22. (2) Frankenstein
23. (1) facilitate the consultation of an exhaustive bibliography
24. (3) (b) and (c) are true
25. (4) L C Knights, A C Bradley
26. (3) caught, court
27. (1) Reason (R) is perfectly aligned with Assertion (A)
28. – (1) friend – friendship @
29. (3) Presentism does not contextualize cultural production in the same way or make use of the theorists that New Historicism does.
30. (4) John Milton’s “Lycidas”
31. (2) Mann
32.  (2) Lord Jim
33. (3) Askar
34. (3) come not; had better not come
35. (4) The Devil’s Wind
36. (1) Harold Pinter
37. (1) mongrel tragicomedy; unity of action
38. (1) the Cross
39. (1) M Ananatanarayanan modelled this narrative on the well-known picaresque novels in English.
40. (4) The Great Code: The Bible and Literature (By – Northrop Frye)
41. (4) The English relation to Neoclassicism was one of dialogue. Most literally, this dialogue is effected in Addison’s ‘An Essay on Dramatic Poesy’
42. (1) Tamil (Sangam Poetry Tradition)
43. (4) (e), (d), (c), (b), (a)
44. (2) Algernon (X) to Jack (Y) The Importance of Being Earnest (By Oscar Wild)
45. (2) Alcestis
46. (3) Nature yields a pleasure superior to that derived from intrusive human inquiry.
47. (2) (a) and (c)
48. (3) Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing
49. (4) In “A Far Cry From Africa” Walcott depicts his divided loyalties in the context of the Changuna Uprising.
50. (4) the acting company
51. (3) You can use a pencil, though not a pen, to write your name.
52. (3)  (ii)        (iv)       (iii)       (i)
53. (4) It aimed at uniting divided classes after the war.
54. (2) The Revenger’s Tragedy
55. (2) Low Churchmen
56. (2) decoratively apply the names and terminology of recent critical theories without employing the methodology.
57. (2) Little Dorrit
58. (1) A Doll’s House
59. Answer – (3) Virginia Woolf, ‘A Room of One’s Own’
60. (2) dissipates
61. (2) Macmillan India
62. (3) poets
63. (3) Jude
64. (2) the West Indian Music in syncopated African rhythm
65. (1) Edward Bond’s Bingo
66. (2) Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful
67. (1) (ii)  (iii)  (iv)  (i)
68. (3) The Shadow Lines (Partition Novel)
69. (2) “Song for St. Cecilia’s Day”
70. (3) The Castle of Indolence
71. (3) The press was solely devoted to published international classics in translation
72. (3) tourists
73. (2) They do not have anyone else to feel superior to
74. (3) The narrator is rather unsure they do
75. (3) The speaker whose childhood was spent in Antigua reports the great change currently evident in the pungent irony.
Anil S Awad
English Net/SET Consultant
Email –
Mobile No. 09922113364 (WhatsApp), 09423403368 (BSNL)
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