Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Friday 28 April 2017





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1. The term ‘Subaltern’ in the Post-Colonial context was first used by

1) Raymond Williams

2) Frantz Fanon

3) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

4) Antonio Gramsci

Answer - 4) Antonio Gramsci

2. Which Poet wrote the line “A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose” which subtly expresses the postmodern unexpressibility?

1) Ezra Pound

2) Gertrude Stein

3) E.E.Cummings

4) Pablo Neruda

Answer - 2) Gertrude Stein

Her poem - "Sacred Emily" (1913)
Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.
Loveliness extreme.
Extra gaiters.
Loveliness extreme.
Sweetest ice-cream.
Page ages page ages page ages.
Wiped Wiped wire wire.

3. Which play of Mahesh Dattani deals with Hindu-Muslim conflict in India?

1) Final Solutions

2) Dance Like a Man

3) Bravely Fought the Queen

4) On a Muggy Night in Mumbai

Answer - 1) Final Solutions

4. Which work is based on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy?

1) Amulya Malladi’s The Mango Season

2) C.K. Janu’s Mother Forest

3) Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People

4) Arundhathi Roy’s The Cost of Living

Answer - 3) Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People

5. Who coined the phrase “The medium is the message”?

1) Raymond Williams

2) Richard Dyer

3) Marshall McLuhan

4) Charles Babbage

Answer - 3) Marshall McLuhan

6. Which country is the background of the novel Shame by Salman Rushdie?

1) India

2) Pakistan

3) Taiwan

4) Bangladesh

Answer - 2) Pakistan  (Q – Quetta)

7. Which poet was glorified by García Márquez as the greatest poet of the 20th century, in any language?

1) Octavio Paz

2) Jorge Luis Borges

3) Carlos Drummond de Andrade

4) Pablo Neruda

Answer - 4) Pablo Neruda

8. Which writer is closely associated with the Harlem Renaissance Movement?

1) Claude McKay

2) Malcolm X

3) Alex Haley

4) Alice Walker

Answer - 1) Claude McKay

Harlem Renaissance Movement was known as the "New Negro Movement", named after the 1925 anthology by Alain Locke.

9. Who is the author of The Testament of Beauty?

1) Robert Bridges

2) W.B. Yeats

3) John Masefield

4) T. S. Eliot

Answer - 1) Robert Bridges

10. James Joyce's Ulysses is based on the pattern of :

1) Homer's Odyssey

2) Tennyson's Ulysses

3) Virgil's Aenied

4) Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress

Answer - 1) Homer's Odyssey

11. A character in Virginia Woolf’s novels changes his sex. Which is that novel?

1) Mrs. Dalloway

2) Orlando

3) To the Light House

4) The Voyage Out

Answer - 2) Orlando

12. Who is the originator of 'Sprung Rhythm'?

1) A.E. Houseman

2) Stephen Spender

3) Christopher Fry

4) G. M. Hopkins

Answer - 4) G. M. Hopkins

Pied Beauty

Glory be to God for dappled things—
For skies of couple-colour as a brindled cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough;
And áll trádes, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.

—Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–1889)

13. Who called Hamlet an ‘artistic failure’?

1) T. S. Eliot

2) I.A. Richards

3) F. R. Leavis

4) Aldous Huxley

Answer - 1) T. S. Eliot

14. Who initiated the term 'New Criticism' in English literary criticism?

1) Henry James

2) I.A.Richards

3) David Daiches

4) William Empson

Answer - 2) I.A.Richards

(John Crow Ransom is the founder of the term 'New Criticism' - 1941. He addressed it to the practices done by I A Richards in his books - The Meaning of Meaning (1923) and Practical Criticism (1929).) 

15. The Province Town Players were a group of playwrights from

1) America

2) Britain

3) Ireland

 4) Germany

Answer - 1) America

16. What is a passion play?

1) A play about love and sex

2) A play about someone’s intense love for God

3) A play about the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus

4) A play from New Testament showing Jesus’s love for man

Answer - 4) A play from New Testament showing Jesus’s love for man

17. Arthur Miller wrote a screenplay especially for his wife, Marilyn Monroe. Which is it?

1) The Misfits

2) A view from the Bridge

3) After the Fall

4) Death of a Salesman

Answer - 1) The Misfits

18. Which one of the following is an 'artificial' comedy’?

1) The Birthday Party

2) The Cocktail Party

3) The Way of the World

4) Volpone

Answer - 3) The Way of the World

(Comedy of Manners are also called artificial comedy)

19. The term 'Electra Complex' has originated from a tragedy entitled Electra written by:

1) Aeschylus

2) Sophocles

3) Euripides

4) Seneca

Answer - 4) Seneca

20. Who is the progenitor of the ‘theatre of cruelty’?

1) Stanislavsky

2) Chekhov

3) Grotowski

4) Artaud

Answer - 4) Artaud

21. Which of the following playwright has exploited myths for most of his dramas?

1) Vijay Tendulkar

2) Mahesh Dattani

3) Girish Karnad

4) Manjula Padmanabhan

Answer - 3) Girish Karnad

22. Which modern American Playwright produced tragedies of common men?

1) Tennessee Williams

2) Arthur Miller

3) Edward Albee

4) T.S.Eliot

Answer - 2) Arthur Miller

23. Who is the central character symbolizing power in Wole Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel?

1) Baroka

2) Lakunle

3) Sadiku

4) Sidi

Answer - 1) Baroka

24. The Childhood of Jesus is a novel by –––––––––, who won the Nobel prize for literature.

1) Patrick White

2) Nadine Gordimer

3) J.M. Coetzee

4) Saul Bellow

Answer - 3) J.M. Coetzee

25. Jamaica Kincaid’s novel Autobiography of My Mother presents the life of the narrator and the mother who had died –––

1) in childbirth

2) in an accident

3) of poverty

4) of old age

Answer - 1) in childbirth

26. ––––––––– is famous for his Diary.

1) Jeremy Taylor

2) Thomas Sprat

3) Samuel Pepys

4) John Evelyn

Answer - 3) Samuel Pepys and 4) John Evelyn - Both options seem right. Both were diarist.
(You can challenge this question) 

27. Who is the author of The Royal Slave?

1) Charles Gildon

2) Aphra Behn

3) John Bunyan

4) La Calprenede

Answer - 2) Aphra Behn

28. ––––––––– collaborated with Dryden to produce Oedipus and The Duke of Guise.

1) Nathaniel Lee

2) Nicholas Rowe

3) Matthew Prior

4) Samuel Butler

Answer - 1) Nathaniel Lee

29. ––––––––– was known as the maker of the great dictionary and was one of the extraordinary figures of the Augustan Age.

1) Edmund Burke

2) Dr.Samuel Johnson

3) Edward Gibbon

4) Gibert White

Answer - 2) Dr.Samuel Johnson

30. The Reform Bill was passed in the year –––––––––.

1) 1831

2) 1836

3) 1834

4) 1832

Answer - 4) 1832

31. ––––––––– bears a strong resemblance to Quentin Durward, written by George P.R. James

1) Richelieu A Tale of France

2) The Cripsey

3) Del’Orme

4) Lord Montagu

Answer - 1) Richelieu A Tale of France

32. ––––––––– describes himself as a super-tramp wrote delightful poems of the countryside in an extremely simple style.

1) Rupert Brooke

2) John Masefield

3) Gordon Bottomley

4) W.H. Davies

Answer - 4) W.H. Davies

33. The British Museum is Falling Down is written by ––––––

1) David Lodge

2) Ian McEwan

3) Jeanette Winterson

4) John Fowles

Answer - 1) David Lodge

34. “Thy need is greater than mine” are the words of ––––––––

1) Ben Jonson

2) Sir Philip Sidney

3) Dante

4) Pope

Answer - 2) Sir Philip Sidney

35. ––––––––– proposes that philosophy and religion would be ‘replaced by poetry’ in modern society.

1) William Empson

2) T.S. Eliot

3) Arnold

4) F.R.Levis

Answer - 3) Arnold

36. The best-known examples of blacks replacing Indian workers are in coastal ––––––––

1) Chile

2) Argentina

3) Uruguay

4) Venezuela

Answer - 4) Venezuela

37. ––––––––– is a novel by Indian novelist Amitav Ghosh which was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize in 2008.

1) Sea of Poppies

2) The Circle of Reason

3) The Shadow Lines

4) The Calcutta Chromosome

Answer - 1) Sea of Poppies

38. Bhagavad Gita and Its Message is written by –––––––––

1) Raja Roa

2) Sri Aurobindo

3) Tagore

4) Mulk Raj Anand

Answer - 2) Sri Aurobindo

39. The first great Russian novelist was –––––––––.

1) Leo Tolstoy

2) Ivan Turgenev

3) Nikolai Gogol

4) Anton Chekhov

Answer - 3) Nikolai Gogol

40. Victor Shklovsky comes under –––––––––.

1) Feminist criticism

2) New historicism

3) Formalist Criticism

4) Postcolonial criticism

Answer - 3) Formalist Criticism

41. Who is the author of Nation and Narration?

1) Homi Bhabha

2) Frantz Fanon

3) Jacque Derrida

4) Michel Foucault

Answer - 1) Homi Bhabha

42. ––––––––– is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material.

1) Approach

2) Method

3) Technique

4) Material

Answer - 2) Method

43. The Bilingual Method was developed by –––––––––

1) C.J. Dodson

2) Dr. Johnson

3) Dell Hymes

4) John Gumperz

Answer - 1) C.J. Dodson

44. The original language of Britain was –––––––––

1) Celtic

2) Swedish

3) Danish

4) Scandinavian

Answer - 1) Celtic

45. Another popular genre in the middle Ages was the beast-fable, a form which Chaucer  uses brilliantly in –––––––––

1) “The Wife of Bath’s Tale”

2) “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.”

3) “The Clerk’s Tale”

4) “The Merchant’s Tale”

Answer - 2) “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.”

46. The canto was a traditional Italian literary device and ––––––––– was the first English poet to use it effectively.

1) Milton

2) Sidney

3) Chaucer

4) Spenser

Answer - 4) Spenser

47. Marlowe based Doctor Faustus on the early sixteenth century ––––––––– doctor Johann Faust, a practitioner of magic, who was thought to have sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for knowledge and magical power.

1) German

2) French

3) Scandinavian

4) Italian

Answer - 1) German

48. ––––––––– refers to Shakespeare resentfully as ‘‘an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers.”

1) George Peele

2) Thomas Nashe

3) Robert Greene

4) Thomas Lodge

Answer - 3) Robert Greene

49. A True Relation of My Birth, Breeding and Life is an autobiography of –––––––––.

1) Thomas Traherne

2) Margaret Cavendish

3) Dorothy Waugh

4) Lady Anne Halkett

Answer - 2) Margaret Cavendish

50. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners is a spiritual autobiography of –––––––––, which records his transformation from a self-doubting sinner into an eloquent and fearless Baptist preacher.

1) John Guttenberg

2) Oliver Cromwell

3) John Bunyan

4) Thomas Gray

Answer - 3) John Bunyan

51. The Hind and the Panther is an allegorical beast fable written by Dryden in defense of the doctrines of the –––––––––.

1) Roman Catholic Church

2) Protestant Church

3) Stories of Aesop

4) Royal Court

Answer - 1) Roman Catholic Church

52. Swift wrote The Battle of the Books in support of his patron –––––––––.

1) Sir William Temple

2) William Wotton

3) Lord Berkeley

4) Isaac Bickerstaff

Answer - 1) Sir William Temple

53. ‘‘Epistle 2. To a Lady’’ is one of ––––––––– poems that Pope grouped together under the title Epistles to Several Persons.

1) three

2) four

3) five

4) ten

Answer - 2) four

54. Coleridge said that the Preface to the Lyrical Ballad was “––––––––– of my own brain.’’

1) insight

2) half a child

3) a child

4) influence

Answer - 2) half a child

55. ––––––––– A Vindication of the Rights of Men was a formidable piece of argumentation in response to Burke Reflections on the Revolution in France.

1) Maria Edgeworth’s

2) Dorothy Wordsworth’s

3) Wollstonecraft's

4) Joanna Baillie’s

Answer - 3) Wollstonecraft's

56. Keats’ fragment ‘The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream’ is modeled on –––––––––.

1) Dante’s Inferno

2) Homer’s Illiad

3) Virgil’s Aeneid

4) Dante’s Divine Comedy

Answer - 4) Dante’s Divine Comedy

57. Apologia Pro Vita Sua is a spiritual autobiography of –––––.

1) Stuart Mill

2) Lord Tennyson

3) Edward Fitzgerald

4) Cardinal Newman

Answer - 4) Cardinal Newman

58. Browning’s –––––––––, which was inspired by an old book of legal records concerning a murder trial in seventeenth-century Rome.

1) The Ring and the Book

2) Men and Women

3) Dramatis Personae

4) Strafford

Answer - 1) The Ring and the Book

59. Forster’s Howards End involves a conflict between two families, one interested in ––––––––– and the other only in money and business.

1) art and life

2) fancy and fantasy

3) love and literature

4) art and literature

Answer - 4) art and literature

60. As a fiction writer Woolf rebelled against what she called the ––––––––– of her contemporary novelists.

1) realism

2) materialism

3) cynicism

4) mimicism

Answer - 2) materialism

61. In ‘‘Politics and the English Language,’’ Orwell explores the decay of ––––––––– and the ways in which that decay might be resiste.

1) politics

2) human values

3) morals

4) language

Answer - 4) language

I have not here been considering the literary use of language, but merely language as an instrument for expressing and not for concealing or preventing thought. Stuart Chase and others have come near to claiming that all abstract words are meaningless, and have used this as a pretext for advocating a kind of political quietism. Since you don't know what Fascism is, how can you struggle against Fascism? One need not swallow such absurdities as this, but one ought to recognise that the present political chaos is connected with the decay of language, and that one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end. If you simplify your English, you are freed from the worst follies of orthodoxy. You cannot speak any of the necessary dialects, and when you make a stupid remark its stupidity will be obvious, even to yourself. Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one's own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.

62. At the heart of ––––––––– is the vexed relationship between the master, his servant and a nurse.

1) That Time

2) Not I

3) Waiting for Godot

4) Endgame

Answer - 4) Endgame

63. Pinter’s The Birthday Party is a play in three acts which centers around Stanley Webber, a retired ––––––––– in his late thirties.

1) dancer

2) musician

3) civil servant

4) bar tender

Answer - 2) musician

64. Richard’s Practical Criticism, based on student analyses of poetry, emphasized the importance of objective and balanced ––––––––– which was sensitive to the figurative language of literature.

1) observation

2) criticism

3) appreciation

4) close reading

Answer - 4) close reading

65. Deconstruction, according to Derrida, aims to show that any text inevitably undermines its own claim to have a ––––––––– meaning.

1) infinite

2) finite

3) indeterminate

4) determinate

Answer - 4) determinate

66. Inventing the term “gynocritics,” ––––––––– says unlike the feminist critique, gynocritics offers many theoretical opportunities.

1) Simon de Beauvoir

2) Kate Millet

3) Helene Cixous

4) Elaine Showalter

Answer - 4) Elaine Showalter

67. For Homi K. Bhabha, mimicry is a form of –––––––––, and his post-colonial theory is a comic approach to colonial discourse.

1) mockery

2) mimicry

3) imitation

4) difference

Answer - 2) mimicry

68. Originally the Normans had been Scandinavians and the term “Norman” comes from “Northman” who had been granted a territory in northern ––––––––– in the early tenth century.

1) Scandinavia

2) Northumbria

3) Briton

4) France

Answer - 4) France

69. ––––––––– is an approach to language teaching developed by British linguists from the 1930s to 1960s.

1) Structural Approach

2) Audiolingual Method

3) Community Language Learning

4) Situational Language Teaching

Answer - 4) Situational Language Teaching

70. Homer's epic poem The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus' ––––––––– struggle to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

1) ten-year

2) fifteen –year

3) twenty-year

4) thiry-year

Answer - 1) ten-year

71. Mother Courage says that she got her name from driving her wagon through a cannon barrage to save fifty_________.
1) Soldiers

2) Children

3) Loaves of bread

4) Citizens

Answer - 3) Loaves of bread

72. Tiruvalluvar’s ideas were probably influenced by ––––––––– traditions and written in the years between the Cankam era and the bhakti era

1) Dravidian

2) Aryan

3) Jain

4) Buddhist

Answer - 3) Jain

73. The American Poet, civil rights activist, historian, songwriter and frequent autobiographer Marguerite Annie Johnson is known as –––––––––.

1) Gwendolyn Brooks

2) Maya Angelou

3) Alice Walker

4) Toni Morrison

Answer - 2) Maya Angelou

74. Maxine Hong Kingston ––––––––– combines myth, family history, folktales and memories of the experience of growing up within two conflicting cultures.

1) China Men

2) The Fifth Book of Peace

3) Veterans of Peace

4) Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts

Answer - 4) Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts

75. According to Saussure, the connection between the “signifier” and the “signified” is –––––––––.

1) regular

2) rule-based

3) arbitrary

4) irregular

Answer - 3) arbitrary

1.   4) Antonio Gramsci
2.   2) Gertrude Stein
3.   1) Final Solutions
4.   3) Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People
5.   3) Marshall McLuhan
6.   2) Pakistan  (Q – Quetta)
7.   4) Pablo Neruda
8.   1) Claude McKay
9.   1) Robert Bridges
10.               1) Homer's Odyssey
11.               2) Orlando
12.               4) G. M. Hopkins
13.               1) T. S. Eliot
14.               2) I.A.Richards
15.               1) America
16.               4) A play from New Testament showing Jesus’s love for man
17.               1) The Misfits
18.               3) The Way of the World
19.               4) Seneca
20.               4) Artaud
21.               3) Girish Karnad
22.               2) Arthur Miller
23.               1) Baroka
24.               3) J.M. Coetzee
25.               1) in childbirth
26.               3) Samuel Pepys & 4) John Evelyn
27.               2) Aphra Behn
28.               1) Nathaniel Lee
29.               2) Dr.Samuel Johnson
30.               4) 1832
31.               1) Richelieu A Tale of France
32.               4) W.H. Davies
33.               1) David Lodge
34.               2) Sir Philip Sidney
35.               3) Arnold
36.               4) Venezuela
37.               1) Sea of Poppies
38.               2) Sri Aurobindo
39.               3) Nikolai Gogol
40.               3) Formalist Criticism
41.               1) Homi Bhabha
42.               2) Method
43.               1) C.J. Dodson
44.               1) Celtic
45.               2) “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale.”
46.               4) Spenser
47.               1) German
48.               3) Robert Greene
49.               2) Margaret Cavendish
50.               3) John Bunyan
51.               1) Roman Catholic Church
52.               1) Sir William Temple
53.               2) four
54.               2) half a child
55.               3) Wollstonecraft's
56.               4) Dante’s Divine Comedy
57.               4) Cardinal Newman
58.               1) The Ring and the Book
59.               4) art and literature
60.               2) materialism
61.               4) language
62.               4) Endgame
63.               2) musician
64.               4) close reading
65.               4) determinate
66.               4) Elaine Showalter
67.             1) mockery 
68.               4) France
69.               4) Situational Language Teaching
70.               1) ten-year
71.               3) Loaves of bread
72.               3) Jain
73.               2) Maya Angelou
74.               4) Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts
75.               3) arbitrary

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