Universal Grammar
grammar, theory proposing that humans possess innate faculties related to the
acquisition of language. The
definition of universal grammar has evolved considerably since first it was
postulated and, moreover, since the 1940s, when it became a specific object of
modern linguistic research. It is associated with work in generative grammar,
and it is based on the idea that certain aspects of syntactic structure are
universal. Universal grammar consists of a set of atomic grammatical categories
and relations that are the building blocks of the particular grammars of all
human languages, over which syntactic structures and constraints on those
structures are defined. A universal grammar
would suggest that all languages possess the same set of categories and
relations and that in order to communicate through language, speakers make
infinite use of finite means, an idea that Wilhelm von Humboldt suggested in
the 1830s. From this perspective, a grammar must contain a finite
system of rules that generates infinitely many deep and surface structures,
appropriately related. It must also contain rules that relate these abstract
structures to certain representations of sound and meaning—representations
that, presumably, are constituted of elements that belong to universal
phonetics and universal semantics, respectively.
This concept of grammatical
structure is an elaboration of Humboldt’s ideas but harkens back to earlier
efforts. Noam Chomsky, a leading figure in modern development of the idea of
universal grammar, identifies precursors in the writings of Panini, Plato, and
both rationalist and romantic philosophers, such as René
Descartes (1647), Claude Favre de Vaugelas (1647), César Chesneau DuMarsais
(1729), Denis Diderot (1751), James Beattie (1788), and Humboldt (1836). Chomsky focuses in particular
on early efforts by the 17th-century Port Royal grammarians, whose rationalist
approach to language and language universals was based on the idea that humans
in the “civilized world” share a common thought structure. Moreover, he traces
the conception of linguistic structure that marked the origins of modern
syntactic theory to Lancelot and Arnauld’s 1660 Port Royal work, Grammaire
générale et raisonnée, which postulated a link between the natural order of
thought and the ordering of words.
(Source - Britannica Encyclopaedia)
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