Anil Awad's Quest For Literature

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Figures of Speech - Model Test

By Anil S Awad
                            English Net/Set Consultant                           
Instructions:                                                   TOTAL – 50 QUESTIONS
1.     This test is exclusively for the students with Study Notes and Online Coaching
2.      It is related to Figures of speech only.  Next test will be on Meter and Foot.
3.     All other important instructions will be posted in Study Groups.

Figures of speech – Test

1. ‘Listen, young men, to an old man to whom old men were glad to listen when he was young’ – is an example of
A. Antithesis
B. Paradox
C. Irony
D. Pun

2. Read the following speech of Casca about Julies Caesar

“I can’t explain it. It was all silly and so I paid no attention. I saw Mark Antony offer him a crown—though it wasn’t a real crown, just a small circlet—and, as I told you, he refused it once—though in my opinion he would’ve liked to have it. Then Antony offered it to him again, and he refused it again (though, in my opinion, he was reluctant to take his hand off it). Then Antony offered it the third time. He refused it the third time, and as he refused it the commoners hooted and clapped their chapped hands, and threw up their sweaty hats, and let loose such a great deal of stinking breath because Caesar refused the crown that it nearly choked Caesar, because he fainted and fell down. As for myself, I didn’t dare laugh, for fear of opening my lips and inhaling the stinking air.”

Caesar refuses to accept the crown repeatedly, but desires for it privately - This is the perfect example of___________

A. Antithesis
B. Accumulation
C. Accismus
D. Assimilation

3. Read the following sentences

A) Tropes changes the meaning
B) Schemes changes the word order
C) Irony, metaphor, metonymy, personification, simile, and synecdoche are the bunch of figures of speech that belongs to Trophe
D) Alliosis, Antithesis, Ellipsis and Parallelism are parts of Schemes

A) A and B is right
B) A, B and C is right
C) B, C and D is right
D) All are right

4. If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two,
Thy soul the fixed foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if the other do.
And though it in the center sit,
Yet when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.

What kind of device do you see in it?
A. Conceit
B. Objective co-relative
C. Prosody
D. Dissociation of sensibility

8. Match the following –

A. Words that are identical with each other in pronunciation and spelling, but different in meaning

B. Multiple words with the same ending
C. Words we write identically but which have a differing meaning
D. Ending the last parts of words with the same syllable or letter.

I        II       III      IV
A)      A       B       C       D
B)      B       C       D       A
C)      D       C       B       A
D)      C       D       B       A

14. Read the following sentences carefully and answer the question:

A. Buildingsroman is a novel or an artist
B. Kunstlerroman is novel of education
C. Deus ex machine device mainly used in ancient dramas
D. Dead Metaphor emphasis the relation between vehicle and tenor

Answer –
A) A and B right
B) A, B and C right
C) A, B and C wrong
D) A. B and D wrong

19. Alexander Pope quotes about Newton
“Nature and Nature’s laws lay hid in night:
God said let Newton be, and all was light.”
It is a/an
A) epithet
B) epiphany
C) pun
D) idiom

25. “Yesterday is a waste paper, today is a news paper, tomorrow is a question paper and life is an answer paper.” – it is an example of
A) Eulogy
B) Epiphany
C) Aphorism
D) Anecdote

30. “Woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep”

The tone of the poet is_____
A) Didactic
B) Aesthetic
C) Optimistic
D) Pessimistic

38. Match the following:

I. Paronomasia                A) A play on words
II. Onomatopoeia           B) Meaningful sounds
III. Alliteration              C) Repetition of sounds
IV. Pun                         D) Double meaning

Answer –
     I II III IV
A) A B C D
B) D C B A
C) C A B D
D) B D A C

45. A stanza of irregular length is sometimes called ______

A) a verse paragraph
B) a verse
C) a free verse stanza
D) a paragraph

50. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,
The furrow followed free.
A) Alliteration
B) Onomatopoeia
C) Consonance
D) Assonance

By Anil S Awad
English Net/Set Consultant    

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